Chapter 4

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It's Wednesday at 5:30am and I am in my bed trying to fall right back to sleep but all I could think about was the fact that I have to do exercise at 5:45am.

Then all of a sudden I hear footsteps coming my way and I know that my thinking time is over.

"Tatica, it's time to wake up" my mom says. "I'm already awake" I blurt out. She looks as if she's offended but I don't care. It's early and I'm grumpy.

I grab my laptop plug in a 6 Week 6 Pack video from Jillian Michaels grab my yoga mat start playing the video.

My mom and I do everything Jillian does. Since I am injured in my right wrist, I can't do anything that includes anything that puts weight on my wrist so nothing like that.

My mom was dying and I was just fresh. She take a break while I continue. This really works out you abs I thought to myself.

Finally the video stopped, after 30 minutes. I was exhausted. It was 6:30am and I really didn't feel like doing anything right now.

I laid in my bed and turned on my tv and my wii. I went into the Netflix channel and put Season 1 episode 11 of 90210.

I really didn't want to watch this show but it was better than taking a shower.

I started getting dressed and my mom starts yelling "your such a pig, your gonna go to school all sweaty? You disgust me. Go take a shower now and hurry because we have to leave in twenty minutes and I am not leaving one minute later!!"

I'm pissed off and I don't even want to talk to her but I go to the bathroom any ways without saying a word. I take my clothes off and get in the shower.

As the water pours against my skin all I could think about was the fight I was with my dad.

We got into a stupid fight over the phone about my tennis. I don't know if he didn't want to take me today or what but all I knew was that he was extremely pissed off at me.

He said I was lying but I could quite grasp what he was saying. I was just pissed off because he was. As he was yelling, I couldn't deal with him then so I yelled at him "when your calm and ready to talk calmly, call me" and I hung up.

I even turned off my phone. Just then I noticed what I had done. I see my dad tomorrow. How can I just hang up on him?

He texted me, this is the last time you hang up on me. I didn't know what to text him back so I just texted him I didn't l hang up I said when your ready to talk call me and then I hang up.

He never replied. Before I went to bed I texted him we good? Never answered. Did he hate me? Want nothing to do with me? No, he's my father he loves me, he'll never hate me.

When I finished showering I wrapped my towel around myself and head straight to my room. I un-paused the show and started getting dressed.

It was already 7:20am and in ten minutes were leaving for school. I looked at my nails and saw how horrible they were so I grabbed all the nail material including nail polish remover, cotton balls, and nail polish.

"MOM,WHERE'S MY PURSE?!?!" I yelled. "In your room" she replied calmly. "NO IT'S NOT I'VE LOOKED EVERYWHERE"I screamed. She tells back "LOOK AGAIN."

I found it and headed out the door.

The misery continues in school. My mom picked me up early though right before Math class so I was relieved I didn't have to do work.

Now all I had to do was wait for my dad to come and get me to head to the doctor to finally find out the MRI results.

My dad picks me up 2:16am.

We arrive at the doctors. There are literally a thousand people in here.

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