Chapter 9

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Cassie's POV

Apperantly Stiles 'broke into' his own home. We headed there and he was gone. Sheriff noticed the chess board was moved around, so we all looked at it. After awhile Allison figured it out.

"He's trying to tell us he's at Derek's loft", Allison said.

"And he wants us to come there", I said.

"Night's falling", Derek pointed out.

"This couldn't sound more like a trap", Argent said.

"I don't think it is", Sheriff admitted. I sighed. And off to the loft we go.

Where I get to see my possessed boyfriend... My life is far from normal.


Everyone hid in their spot. We were the back up plan if Sheriff's didn't work. I was in the corner with Allison, and listened and watched as it all went down.

Sheriff opened the door and Stiles turned around and looked up at him. His eyes weren't that evil looking, so it may just be Stiles not the nogitsune.

"Hi Dad", he said.

Sheriff held out a pair of handcuffs so Stiles could see. HE looked down at them then back up to him.

"You wanna handcuff me?"

"If my son is still here. If there is still apart of him standing infront of me... Then he'll put these on willingly and come with me", Sheriff explained and walked up to him. "Because he knows... I'm here to protect him from himself and from others".

Stiles frowned and held his hands out so he could cuff them. It was Stiles! Or so I thought...

Sheriff put the handcuffs on him and took a step back. Stiles was looking down, but when he looked back up it wasn't Stiles but it was the nogitsune. Stiles turned his head to the side. Oh no!

"Your not my son". Void shook his head and snapped the handcuffs in half. We all walked in now. Void looked up and chuckled. Allison went to the side and Void glanced at her. She held up the taser gun and shot it. He caught it! I was not expecting that. I was on the opposite side of Allison and watched this unfold.

He pulled the line of electricity back and threw it to the side. Derek growled and went after him... Wrong move! He actually grabbed him and threw Derek. How was he this strong!

"Cassie now!", Allison yelled. Void looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

"Cassie? Defenseless Cassie? Oh what are you gonna do sweetheart? Talk me out of it?", he chuckled. I smirked and strided towards him.

"Cassie what are you-", I cut him off and did the unthinkable... I kissed him.

It took him a second to react, but kissed me back. I guess you could say I was stalling, so everyone including me could come up with a plan. He grabbed my waist and pulled me in, and I ran my fingers through his hair. I heard a gun click. I pulled back and smirked at him. He looked confused, but then realized what I did.

"Clever", was all he said. I winked at him. When I stepped back Argent was pointing a gun at him. Not what I had in mind. He's not going to shoot my boyfriend right... Right?

"Argent listen to me don't do this", Sheriff said.

"Why not? I've done it before. Werewolves, beserkers. I can easily add a nogitsune to the list". Sheriff pointed his gun at Argent. Void looked surprised. Like he just watched a shocking part in a movie. The 'I didn't see that coming' face.

"You are NOT going to shoot my son"

"But you said yourself Sheriff... That's not your son"

"Put it down", but Argent ignored him. "Put it down", he repeated.

"D-dad he's gonna shoot me", Void says. Wait a minute.. He want's this to happen. Clever Void... Clever. "He's gonna kill me dad".

"Put it down Argent.. Put it down!". Void turned to Argent.

"Pull the trigger Argent. Come on... Shoot me", he said.

"Shoot Me!", he yelled at Argent.

This is what he wants. I did a stupid thing and stepped in front of the gun.

"Stop! Stop! This is what he wants! This is exactly what he wants!"

"Not exactly", he says to me. "I was kind of hoping Scott would be here. But I'm glad all of you have you're guns out. But your not here to kill me", he said and turned around and faced the window. All of a sudden the Oni appeared. This can't be good. "Your here to protect me". He grabs my wrist and yanks me to the back of the room behind Sheriff and everyone.

Argent and Sheriff started to shoot them. Allison and Derek got behind us and started fighting the Oni behind us.

This can't be good.


Scott's POV

When Kira and I arrived at Derek's loft everyone was injured.

'"What happened?", I asked.

"It disappeared", Allison breathed out. "It literally just vanished"

"And so did Stiles and Cassie", Sheriff said. Oh No!


Word Count: 800

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