Seven: The End of Ny & Chance

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*this is an extremely short chapter*

Nalah Smith

What the hell is taking this bitch so long? I thought as I walked back out of the car going back into the organic market to get my daughter.

I seen her talking to a young man before she let him go ahead of her. They exchanged a few words before I seen her whispering to herself pacing down the empty line.

I knew her dumb ass was daydreaming when she started talking to herself. I watched her for a good thirty minutes before I decided to walk over to her.

"Nyeesha," I called out to her but she ignored me.

She either didn't hear me or she was intentionally ignoring me.

"Nyeesha," I said as I grabbed her shoulder turning her around.

She didn't respond.

I pushed her lightly leading her out of the store going into the car as she continued to talk to herself.

I drove in the direction of the hospital before I checked her in.

I should be at work but I can't just leave her alone when she needs someone the most.

After several hours of her staring off into space saying random words like 'I love you',  grunts, and occasional moaning, she finally shot up.

Nyeesha Brooks

The loud bang from the gun woke me up from my daydream.

I was now back in reality, to my shitty life.

"You're finally back." I heard my mom say.

"W-where am I?" I asked as I looked at all of the white lights.

"The hospital" she told me. "You have a disorder,"

"What disorder?" I asked.

"Maladaptive Day Dreaming" she informed me.

"I daydream sometimes but that don't mean I have a disorder."

"You do, you've been daydreaming and whispering to yourself for hours now like some crazy lunatic" she snapped.

"All of that is unnecessary, you can leave." I said as I pointed to the door.

"You don't have anyone else, so I might as well stay with your lonely ass." She responded.

"And I'd rather be alone," I said to myself as tears started trickling down my cheeks as she walked out the room.

Thank you all for supporting this series! It was literally supposed to be one short story of nine chapters. But it turned out to be five short books thanks to all of you! 😊




My fav couple was Ny & Chance but they don't exist 😩

Don't hate me guys for this short ending! I love yall! 😊

Here's the event in the first chapter where she started daydreaming in case any of you have forgotten what happened:

I hopped right out of the car when my mother put it in park. I practically ran into the organic market in search for breakfast before this final. I was already late and in a rush. This was my last final holding me back from my degree. I grabbed a large Deer Park water bottle that was on sale for 79 cents and grabbed two bananas. This will last me all day I thought. Just as I was walking to the checkout line my mother came in.

"Can you get me this?" She asked as she held up a green smoothie in a glass bottle.

"How much is it?" I asked.

"4.68" she stated.

"I can't afford that, I barely can afford dinner for this week." I admitted.

"Next" the cashier said.

"You can go in front of me," I said to the person behind me noticing that it was Chance The Rapper. "Chance, the Rapper?" I asked in shock as I zoned out.

She zoned out. Started daydreaming or whatever. 😈

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