The Food Court

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My friends and I walk to the food court and sat at a table as we tried to decide what we all wanted. As we sat there I noticed a group of really cute guys a few tables down staring our way. I wasn't too sure if they were looking at us or something around us, but when I pointed them or to my friends they naturally decided for me to go over and talk to them, seeing as how im the only brave one in the group. So as I began to make my way towards them I noticed one of them stand up and he also started walking towards me and met me half way.
"Aye lil ma, I'm Sam, what's your name?" he asked flashing his perfect smile, he was tall, blonde, and had the cutest dimples
"I'm Ariel," I said smiling staring up into his beautiful hazel eyes, I thought to my self damn he seems so perfect, I began to feel my face to turn red, so much for being the brave one.
"Why don't you and your friends join us at our table?"
I gladly accepted his offer and I had signal my friends to follow as he walked my to he table. Sam went around the table introducing his friends, "This is Skate, Swazz, Jack and Jack. Guys this is Ariel." I did the same and introduced my friends, we all sat and talked to each other for a while, but my main interest at the moment was Sam. He and I had wandered off a bit from group for what only seemed like a little while. My phone began to ring I looked down and it was my mom telling us to hurry and get home because it's started to get late. We met back up with our friends and said our goodbyes, and as I turned to walk away I felt Sam grab my hand and turn me back around to face him.
"It was really nice meeting you Ariel, I had a good time with you," he said was a smirk and placed a small kiss on my cheek." Here Hite up sometime and maybe we can do this again," I said smiling as I gave him my number. The whole ride home I couldn't stop smiling and all I could do was think about the next time I'll get to see him.

Sam WilkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now