A Song That Will Stay Unsung

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  • Dedicated to Aaron Tveit (for an undisclosed reason)

There's nothing left to say

If there was, you'd never let me say it


I'm waiting for you

To apologise

But somehow I know you won't dare

There's nothing left to say

And you wouldn't let me sing it either,


One of these days, you'll be the death of me, baby

Because you know I can't forgive

And I'll never forget

One of these days, my heart's gonna fail me, baby

Because it's trapped between my ribs

And it can never get out

I lay flat out upon my bed,

Clenching my jaw to keep the tears

Inside my head

Where they belong

One of these days, my tears are gonna drown me, baby

Because they're trapped inside

And they keep multiplying

You'll never get along without me

Like I get along without you

Because you, unlike me,

Can manage;

One thing I can no longer do


There's nothing more to say

If there was, you'd never let me say it


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