There he is.
His hand is draped over the back of the seat in front of his. His knees are pulled up in front of him, and he's got his elbow pressed against the seat in front so he can rest his head on his other hand. Leaning back, eyes shut behind his glasses, curled into a tired ball, with the sunlight making his smooth skin look once again like perfect porcelain and his sable curls tumbling to his shoulders, he doesn't look his nearly six feet, three inches. What he looks is tired, and relaxed, and small. And as I watch him, I feel a sudden surge of protectiveness. Mere minutes ago, he was talking and laughing and cracking dirty jokes like almost any other teenage boy. But now, where minutes ago I was wondering yet again why I love this boy so much, there is no doubt in my mind that were I able, if he would let me, I would wrap him in my arms and hold him 'til the sun was down and the world was quiet.
Instead, I watch,
They keep mostly to themselves - don't make a sound in case they hear you. It only hurts me to be near you.
the sweet music of Marianas Trench echoing in my head,
Keep those tired eyes closed. Careful, follow my instruction and I will show you self-destruction.
Josh Ramsay's voice ringing to the rhythm of my breathing and heartbeat,
This masterpiece is only mine, entirely guilty by design.
as he lets the noise wash over him on the bus ride home.
When your tears are spent on your last pretense and your tired eyes refuse to close and sleep in your defense; when it's in your spine like you've walked for miles and the only thing you want is just to be still for a while.
Author's Note: Lyrics from Masterpiece Theatre I and Beside You by Marianas Trench, all rights to them. This is a slight exaggeration of a true event, much like a lot of the stuff in this collection. I did actually sing these lyrics on the bus watching him, though. Anyway. The songs are beautiful, I recommend you check them out. Actually, check out the whole album. I'm sure I remember it being on YouTube somewhere. Cheers!
- Vialleran

Any and Every
RandomI originally titled this "Concept of Beast". It was an attempt to defeat writer's block by writing whatever came into my head. Well, I didn't like the title, so I changed it. (I also didn't like the description, so I changed it to this.) This is any...