Author's Note: Okay! First, some context! Gwaris is the prince (and heir to the throne) of a fantasy country. Rhea is the maid. They fell in love, which is just generally a bad idea, and turn out to be soulmates, which is even worse. They finally get permission to become engaged. They're in Rhea's room in the castle (yes the maids live in the castle), sitting on her bed, watching the rain pound on the windows. Ages? Around twenty, twenty-one ish? It doesn't really matter all that much. Just some fluff based off of Adele's version of Make You Feel My Love by Bob Dylan. Started as part of the iPod challenge, but I gave up on that. Anyway, I'll shut up now. Enjoy!
- V
Gwaris wrapped an arm around Rhea. They'd been through so much to get permission for the engagement, and it still seemed to be so tentative, like his parents were expecting him to back out at the last minute.
"Gwaris?" Rhea's voice was so quiet, he could hardly hear her over the pounding of the rain on the windows.
"Your parents want you to jilt me."
Gwaris pulled Rhea in tighter. "Nobody's making me."
"Yes, but they'll try."
"But I won't let them succeed."
Rhea turned to face him. "Won't you?" she accused. "They're the royal family. They have more authority than you do by a long shot. I shouldn't think you'd have any choice in the matter."
"Then we'll elope, like we planned," Gwaris said.
Rhea snorted in the most unladylike manner concievable. "They'll catch us within an inch of the castle walls."
"It sounds like you want me to give up," Gwaris said.
"Almost, yes," Rhea admitted. "It would be better than getting our hopes up, don't you think?"
"Look, Rhea," Gwaris said. "There's clearly nothing I can do to show you how much I love you. No, don't," he said when she went to deny it, "you don't know how much I love you, and there's nothing I can do to make you feel my love. But there's nothing I wouldn't do for you."
Rhea leaned against him. "God, I love you," she admitted, pulling him into a kiss.

Any and Every
RandomI originally titled this "Concept of Beast". It was an attempt to defeat writer's block by writing whatever came into my head. Well, I didn't like the title, so I changed it. (I also didn't like the description, so I changed it to this.) This is any...