Prolouge/Flashback/Prequel That Night

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  • Dedicated to To The People Who Read My Books

I looked into Harrys eyes and my heart fluttered as he leaned in with his lips hovering mine. A sudden movement and our lips would touch. In that moment I went back to the day I hated most. My mind replayed the events.


Alice's P.O.V

I can't believe Kate actually got me to come to this party! The only reason I agreed was cause Nathan, My boyfriend is here and its my last night to see him he is going to see his mother for a couple months for the summer. We entered the mass crowd that are so compacted like tiny molecules. Can you say stuffy? I searched the crowd looking for Nathan but I couldnt find him.

My train of thoughts were erupted by Kate.

"Lets go dance!!" Kate said squealing. Oh Kate..

"Fineee!" I said drawing out the e's.

We zigzaged through the people until we reached the part of the house where people were dancing and well began dancing.

We were having a blast until a friend of Nathen and I's tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around.

"Alice... I only came and told you this becuase I care about you..." Mark said.

I furrowed my eye browns in confussion.

"Okay? What do you have to tell me?" I asked.

"Well, Nathan is cheating on you..." He said.

"Wait what?" I asked half scared and angry.

"He's upstairs in Sam's room with Chelsy..." He trailed off. Chelsy is the schools doorknob, everyone uses her.

"Are you sure It was him?" I asked scared and hopeful he was mistaken.

"Alice, Im 99.9% sure it is.." He said sighing. "I thought Nathan had more since then this.."

"Show me." I said sternly. Mark led me through the house and up the stairs. I held my breath going down the hall edging closer to Sam's bedroom.

I opened the door to complete blackness. At first I couldn't see a thing. But as the light seeped into the room two bodies appeared on the bed.. Sucking face... I breathed out and in. The light clarified that it was Nathan and Chelsy.. My heart shattered into millions of pieces. They must have not noticed me because the started to undress eachother..

"Nathen?" My voice hitched.

He pulled away and guilt spread across he face. He looked shocked, ashamed and most of all sad.

"Bye Nathan.." I spoke. With that I turned on my heels and went down stairs and started running when I hit the grass. I had tears threatening to leak from my watery eyes. I blinked repeatedly and pushes them back.

"ALICE! WAIT!!!" Nathan's voice shouted behind me. I turned around to see him still slipping his shirt on. His hair tousled. Normally I'd ruffle his hair and kiss his lips.. But now its just different. He kissed someone else's lips that hadn't been mine or his mothers.

I kept walking ans Nathan just followed as if he were figuring out what to say. He must have finnaly thought of something cuase he jogged up to me and stopped me in my tracks and spun me around.

"Alice can I explain?" He said asking for sympathy.

"Explain. I don't think there is anything to expalain, but you can give it a shot." I shrugged.

"Alice Dawn I never intended for that to happen! Im sorry! Things escalated so quickly! You mean the world to me and I love you!" He said staring into my eyes. I avoided his gaze becuase his eyes dazzle me.

"Nathen. You meant alot to me too, I still love you! But you still cheated. I stood there for a solid thirty seconds and in that short anount of time you two managed to start stripping clothes off eachother. You could have stopped her. You could have stopped yourself! It changed my whole perspective on you. I trusted you for two years of this realtionship and now its all down the drain. " I said with my voice hitching at the end. " I need space to think about this. My mind is still buzzing around and I need space. If you care then you can wait for me to trust you again." I hugged him and gave him one last kiss on the lips and turned around walking home.

I texted Kate what had happened and she came right over and was in shock. She was mad at Nathan and wanted to beat his ass but she comforted me instead.

-Week Later-

I guess Nathan hadn't truely cared for or about me and my feelings becuase today I saw them kissing everywhere... Rumor is the dating. It was confirmed when Chelsy walked passed me talking about him and their date. She said a rude comment to me and I jumped on her ass and beat the crayola of her face. It took eight guys to get her off me. This isn't the first time she has said a comment and made snide remarks to me. Today was the kast straw so I beat her ass. My track coach pulled me off and held my forearms

"Alice do you want to leave here in a cop car?" so i answered with

"No sir." And he told me even if the bitch had it coming I should have done it somehwere else. So I said yes sir and went to class. That Night I promised myself I'd never give my heart to another guy.

-Flashback End-

I pulled back. And Harry looked confused. "Im sorry Harry.. I cant.." My voice said sounded weak. Damn I hate that.

"Promised to who? Alice I care about you! I want to be able to call you mine and hold you in my arms at night and tell you how beautiful you are and how much I love you. I can't wait any longer. I dont know what that promise was or made to but its gonna have to be broken. You're Important to me! " Harry said placing his hands on my hips and pulled me into his chest.

The words you're Important To Me echoed through my head making me cringe.

"Harry, Im not ready. Or maybe I am but I can't tell. I know I have feelings for you but don't you see? Your fans hate me and we're not even dating! Love works in mysterious ways, Who knows maybe when the times right we can be together." I spoke.

I hugged his torso once more before I pulled away and went out the side exit to meet the cold chilling air followed by rain. I began to walk to my car and once there and I almost climbed in when I heard Harry...

"Alice!" Harry shouted across the parking lot.. This all seems so familiar. Harry ran to me and once he reached me put his hands on the side of my face and pressed his lips to mine. That's a feeling I never noticed. My usual porcupines were no longer just in my stomach, Now they're having a dance party. I kissed back and we leaned back against the car and the alarm sounded. We pulled apart laughing.

After I shut off my car I calmed down and Looked to Harry. He pulled me into a hug. "You know Harry? The hardest thing in the world is fixing a heart you didn't break"


Heey my Sexies!!! So first chapter hope you liked it. Remember this is obvivoulsy going to take place further into a book. So yes hope you enjoyed! And you know where the track coach pulled Alice of Chelsy? Well that happend to my my mom. But a completely different scenerio! She was tired of this bitch having her girls mouthing and bullying my mom and one day she was with her Physical Class or P.E. Class and she saw the girl who had her friends mouthing her and made a bet with them that my she would confront her. They didn't believe her so she walked right up to her and was like.

"Wheres your mouth at Bitch?" and the girl goes in about how my mom wouldnt hit her becuase of basketball and mom said F basketball! And she said Connie you wont hit" and before she could finish her sentence my kaid her ass out and pinned her down and beat her ass in front of eceryone. 8 guys had to pull her off and thats when the coach said that to her! Anyway sorry for the rant! Hope you enjoyed!




Stay Sexy!-Bailey!x

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