Kate's P.O.V
I believe I'm dreaming. I mean its the only logical explanation to why I'm backstage with One Direction watching Ed Sheeren! I was mentally picturing what our babies would look like..
I turn around to see Alice with a scarf around her head and sunglasses! Haha omfg she looks like an old granny!!!
"You guys get hounded don't you?" Alice asked nobody in particular. She takes off her scarf and glasses and sighs. "They really want the D..."
"Sooooooooo whats gonna go down on this shindig?" I asked and right there Niall just starts cackling. And yes I just said cackling!
"Well we'll watch his concert from a private box and eat and drink and do whatever we basically want!" Louis smiled.
This will be something to remember..
Alice's P.O.V
We went to the private box and I must say its hella fancy! Like really its pretty cool theres a bar to sit at that over looks the crowd and there are tables too, below the bar are seats you can sit at for a more comfortable veiwing.
"Close your mouth love, dont want to catch any flies.." I brought my jaw up and looked up to see a Harry smirking.
I stuck out my tounge and walked over to the bar taking a seat in the last chair at the end of the bar. I started shivering I look up and of course there's a vent above me. Just my luck... I feel a jacket being place over my shoulders and I look around to see Zayn smiling.
"Didn't want you to get cold" He said setting next to me. Why on earth does he have a jacket in the summer in long beach CA? Its to damn hot fa dat shit.. Wow I have the weirdest conversations with my self...
"Thanks for the jacket!" I smiled. We conversed alittle and he looked down at my wrist.. Shit!
He looked alittle dissapointed in me.. I don't know him but I would be to...
"Do you still cut?" He asked gently.. I hate lettin people see these stupid scars! Like I don't want any stupid pitty. It's my own fault..
"Nah... I only cut about four times and was done because I got nausea looking at the blood.. It was really stupid though.." I chuckled.
"Well something had to cause you do it..." Zayn said caressing my scars.
"Yeah something so stupid not even worth cutting over.." I said looking up meeting his gaze. Its like he just read me and my story like he saw right through me.
"If you ever want to talk you can talk to me okay?" Zayn said grasping my hand in his. "Im gonna go take a smoke I'll be back." He said smiling and getting up.
I looked back into the crowd and watched girls cry and hold up signs trying to be noticed. They're really dedicated. Wonder how that feels. I look over at Harry who seemed to be studying me. He winked at my before taking another sip of his coke. That flirt..
The concert just ended and It was really great! Kate fan girled like no other! She sang and danced her heart out! Liam ended up being on his pone all night smiling not really paying attention to whats going on around him. He's probably been to alot of concerts considering he preforms a ton of them daily.
"Thanks for inviting us to hang out, It was really fun!" I smiled at the guys. I looked at louis just smiling away towards harry. Harry looked back and Louis looked at me then back at Harry. Harry laughed and pushed him with his face turning a pink color.
"You're welcome, you girls are great." Liam smiled elbowing Kate. She just laughed elbowing him back. "So you girls need a ride back?"
"That'd be great, Thanks!" I smiled. We walked to the stairs to notice the paparazzi around the whole dome.. "Why is there so many photographers here?" i questioned.

Fixing A Heart You Didn't Break (ONE DIRECTION)
FanfictionFlashback End- I pulled back. And Harry looked confused. "Im sorry Harry.. I cant.." My voice said sounded weak. Damn I hate that. "Promised to who? Alice I care about you! I want to be able to call you mine and hold you in my arms at night and tell...