Chapter Six~ Last Night Here

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Alice's P.O.V

I opened my eyes facing my bathroom door, how'd I get upstairs? I sat up and rushed downstairs peering over the couch to see it neatly made and a note on the coffee table. I sat on the couch and picked up the note.

Dear Bailey,

Thanks for inviting me over last night. I enjoyed talking to you alot. I didn't want to over stay my wlecome so after you fell asleep I carried you upstairs into your room. You're cute when you snore:) I leave tomorrow morning:( wish I could stay longer and get to know you better! Liam's been talking my ear off about Kate ALL night! Maybe one day we will meet again! I'll for sure get one of our concerts booked here! Maybe one day our paths will meet again!

~ Love Harry:) p.s. you smell good:)x

I smiled and sat the note down back on the coffee table. Just like that he's gone.. He wont remember me later.. We'll never meet again. He and I both know that.. Which is so sad because he seems really genuine and unique..

I picked up the note and traveled back into my room and pinned the note on my collage board. It's filled basically every important pictures, letters , people. Full of great memories. Harry's note is the new addition.

I went to my bathroom and turned on the shower and stepped in. The room was quickly filled with steam. Once I was finished I got out and wrapped a towel around myself and stepped into y room. I walked to my closet opening it up too see what i should wear today. I grabbed my dark blue jean shorts from hollister, my fushia pink lace short sleeve crop top and laid them out on my bed. My Pink and brown leather sandals. I went to my dresser and pulled out my gold earring out and my pink and gold layered bracelet. I changed in to my outfit and accersories. I blow dried my hair and curled it. Today I'm going for a walk downtown. I went back down stairs grabbed my keys and purse from the kitchen and went down to my car.

I went down to the actual Long Beach and parked my car in one of the many open spaces. Only a few select cars here and there. I popped my trunk and grabbed my spare beach towel, umbrella and book I always keep just in case. I made my through the steaming hot sand. I laid down my towel and set up my umbrella. I kicked back relaxing in the warmth. My phone chimmed in my purse a couple minutes later. I raised to my elbows digging around into my purse to find my phone.

I pulled it out and covered the screen to where I could read.

Kate: Where are you? I stopped by your house a couple minutes ago but your car was gone.. Are you out with Harry?!

Me: I'm at the beach relaxing. And no why would I be with Harry?

Kate: Because a little birdy told me he came over your house LATE last night..:)

Me: We just ate chinese and watched a move! He carried me up to my room when I fell asleep. Then he left.Ewww you're so gross Kate! I think I know who your little birdy is btw...

Kate: Well is it okay if I join you in some relaxation? I can bring a picnic and our swim suites!

Me: Yeah, I forgot to eat actually... I want my hot pink bikini. Im at Long Beach, see you soon.

I put my phone back in my purse and picked up my book. I tried reading and getting into it but seriously I can't just focus. I sat my purse down and walked to the water edge letting the water splash against my ankles.

I don't know how long I was into thought but it must've been awhile because when I turned around I saw Kate, and four other bodies..? I walked back to my towel with confusion on my face..

When I got closer to my towel I could see the faces clearer. Kate, Liam, Harry, Louis and a unfamiliar face of a girl I've never seen before.

"Hey Alice, This is Eleanor she's my girlfriend." Louis said squeezing her tighter.

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