Saving Two Lives

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**8 in the morning*
Hunter,Jade,and Dylon were up before everyone else. They had a plan cooking up, they got dressed ran to the barn, took care of all the horses and making sure they were all ok. By the time they finished all that they heard a truck pull up. Running to the front of the barn as fast as they could go they feared for the worse, Sarah's mom.

They each looked at one an other with fear in there eyes. Hunter looked at Jade and said, "Jade......Run." Jade ran as fast as she could to Belle's stall. There was a bucket right inside the door of her stall, in one fast mention Jade jumped on the bucket and swung on to Belle's back kicking her to run out. Running on Belle to Flash's stall she sat back on Belle to slide to a stop. Flash already had a a halter an lead rope on ready to go. She opened the door an grabbed the rope off his neck and told Belle, "Get it Mama!" Belle took off feeling for Jade's body language to know what to do. Flash running along side them an keeping up easily.

Jade brought Flash to their secret spot, she made sure he had water an hay before she left to see what trouble Sarah's mom was causing this time.  As Jade got closer she could her the fuse going on about Sarah and Flash.  As Jade came up from the back she could her Sarha's mom asking if Flash was in the barn but the boys wouldn't answer her. She had already put Belle back in her stall and made sure she had water and hay, when she turned around Sarah's mom was right in front of her. Jade stood up straight and with her cocky self as she always is towards someone  bigger than her, she said," Can I help you or are you gonna just stare at me like I am a idiot?" Jade wasn't afraid to stand her ground towards anyone and she wasn't about to step back on this subject. Dylon and Hunter looked at Jade an Sarah's mom while they stood toe to toe even though Jade was shorter she didn't let the size get to her. Sarah's mom looked at Jade and said,"Where's Flash? I know you took him and moved him so we can't find him."

Jade looked her up and down,"You are not taking Flash away from her like you did Whiskey! It wasn't even Whiskey's fault and you put him down.... the only reason you didn't do it to Flash is because that's all you had left of her Dad and you knew you would kill her if you took that horse away from her because you had already taken her first horse away from her for no reason!"

Sarah's mom stared at her with tears in her eyes. She was shocked at Jade and just couldn't believe that she actually stood her ground towards her. She turned around walked a couple of feet turned around and said,"Sarah is in room 210 the second floor if ya'll want to visit her. Hunter,Dylon,Jade all looked at each other an nodded they headed to the house to get Alexis,Jessica,and Trayon up and to get dress so they could go see Sarah.

Lily and Cody meet us at the hospital, they didn't make it to pratice yesterday. They have no idea what happen. Jessica,Jade, and Alexis leave Cody,Lily,Dylon,Hunter, and Trayton to explain what happen yesterday and go find Sarah's room. Lily catches up before they knock on the door, she is in shock and was upset but knocked on the door, we heard Sarah's voice, "Come In!" We all walked in and when sarah saw who walked in see looked straight at Jade. Before Sarah could open her mouth Jade said," I hid him, I promise he is safe. I won't let him go anywheres without a fight." Tears came to Sarah's eyes, she didn't have to say anything they knew she was greatful to have such amazing friends. Jade looked around the dark grey room, it was so quite beside them talking here and there. She hated the smell, it was to clean an smelt like meds. Jade shot up and said I really hate to make this visit short but you know how I feel about hospitals. Everyone chuckled and Lily said," Yea you and just smelling dirt and horse crap." Jade laughed, "All day everyday wouldn't ask for it any other way."

The boys walked in as the girls stood up, everyone looked at each other and just stared. Sarah's leg was fratured and she had stitches in her fore head from the gash. Hunter ran to the bathroom an threw up, he wasn't that great at seeing stuff like that. Everyone chuckled a little. Sarah yawned and said," My meds are starting to kick in, I'll see ya'll later." Hunter walked out the bathroom looked around trying not to look at Sarah and he just gave in an looked at her and smiled. As we started to all make our way to the door Sarah's voice rang out," Pratice makes perfect." Everyone was looking at the door by now an starting to open it with tears in their eyes they all said together,"Pratice makes perfect." and chuckled after to hide the lump in their throat trying to make them cry. Everyone walked in silence to their trucks. They stopped by Dylon's truck and Alexis blurrted out," I don't want be alone! Can we have a sleep over at someones house?" Hunter said," Why not at Dylon's? All of our horses and trailers are there already." Everyone nodded in agreement and got in their trucks to follow Dylon back to his house for that night.

***I'm tying my hardest guys/gals. please leave comments about anything.Hope ya'll are still enjoying the story. Take it easy with mistakes. I was typing fast an fixed what i saw. thanks Shelby S~***

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