2 Bad Boy Is Back

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Picture of Jess above.

"And she was like'Ugh,it's not my fault' like bitch,i know you was the one who did it,don't go and deny it now" said Casey
She was upset about this girl,Bella.She's a senior and she's one of the mean girls in school.
"She's just trying to break you and Brandon apart cause she's jealous" rolled her eyes Kristen
"Pff,Brandon would never look at a slut like her" said Casey which made me giggle
It was lunch time.It's been 4 months since school started and i've been fitting in pretty well.I was randomly looking around the cafeteria when my eyes met someones.
Green eyes.
I saw a smirk creep up on his face.He licked his lips followed by biting his bottom lip.I just looked away and grabbed my coke bottle,taking a sip.
"What class do y'all have next?" i asked the girl
"I have chemistry with McSlob" giggled Kristen
I laugh every time i hear his name.It's just so weird.
"I have Spanish" said Jess
"Algebra...i hate that class just because nerds keep asking me out" rolled her eyes Casey
"What class do you have next?" asked Kristen
"I have World Lit." i simply said
"Hello there,Sophmore" i heard a raspy voice behind me
I jumped a little and looked back to see this Wes guy smirking at me.
"Uh...hi" i said awkwardly
Ever since the first day of school he didn't talk to me tho he saw me round.Why is he talking to me now?
"I'm in a hurry,Laters" he winked and left
"Omg Biancaa" said Jess as she shook me
"What? Cill out" i said,confused
"Since when are you friends with Wes Tucker?" asked Kristen
"I'm not" i said
"Why was he flirting with you then?" asked Kristen again
"He wasn't.I met him on the first day of school,i bumped into him" i explained
"Omg,Wes is so hot" giggled Jess
"Get over him already" rolled her eyes Casey
"Who is this Wes dude?" i asked
"He's a junior.He's friends with Brandon.I talked to him a couple times.He's the type of guy who everybody knows cause he's a bad boy" said Casey
"Define bad boy" i smiled at her words
"You know,always getting detention,troublemaker,talking back to teachers,getting suspended...he just has a bad boy vibe" she said
"Yeah.I'm off,bye" i laughed and grabbed my coke
As i passed on the hallway to my locker,a couple people i became friends with said hi to me.I grabbed my needed stuff.I walked in to see only half of the class yet there.I sat down in the middle of the class,not really wanting to be up front.
Suddenly Wes and this other guy came in,laughing.They sat down in the back of the class,on the right,next to the wall.What are they doing here?They are juniors.
Soon,all the students were in,including the 2 guys.The teacher,Mr.Suarez came in too,not noticing the 2 boys at first.
"Mr.Suarez we have new classmates" said a girl
"What?" asked the teacher
"Oh c'mon now,why did you get us busted?" asked the other guy,laughing
"Ah,Mr.Tucker and Mr.Martin,what are you doing here,gentlemen?" asked the teacher
"Sir,there's this whole scenario.We have a test today and since we didn't study for it we decided to skip so we're not gonna get an F" explained Wes with a grin
The class started laughing,except me.The teacher smiled too.
"C'mon Mr.Suarez,we have a history together,remember Freshman year?" asked the other guy
"I'll let you stay but don't you dare make a sound or distract my students" warned the teacher
I can't believe he let them stay.
"Deal" smirked Wes and sat down,taking his phone out
"Ok class,let's continue.Book 18,page 25,480" said the teacher
"Bianca,please read it out loud" he said my name
"Now the suitor turned to dance and song,

to the lovely beat and sway,

waiting for dusk to come upon them there...

and the dark night came upon them,lost in pleasure." I read

"Ooh,pleasure" let out the other guy,sitting next to Wes
"Tom,please stay silent" warned the teacher
"Can anyone tell us the meaning of this passage?" asked Mr. Suarez
We're doing Iliad and Odyssey by Homer.
"A bunch of drunk guys doing it" said a girl from the back causing everybody to laugh
"Bianca?" asked the teacher again
Ugh,i don't like this.
"Uh...Athena wants the suitors to keep invading Odysseus's house so he'll get angry enough to kill them" i answered
"Why does the goddess want that?" he asked again
"She wants....She wants Odysseus to find his strenght and...courage?" i finished i bit unsure of my answer
"Very good" he said and saw everybody looking at me
The rest of the class passed quickly and i had one last class,English which also went by fast.The teacher wanted to talk to me after class so he could tell me how impressed he is with me.
By the time i got to my locker and to the parking lot to catch the bus,it already left.My mom was at work and i live 15 minutes away by car so it's basically half an hour if i walk.
I texted the girls but they already left.
"Need a ride?" i heard a voice and i turned around to see Wes looking out on the window of his black matte Jeep.
"Uh...no i'm fine" i nodded,clenching on my phone
"You sure?" he asked,rising an eyebrow
I didn't answer,just awkwardly stayed in place,looking at him.
"C'mon i don't bite" he winked
"I beg to differ" i muttered to myself
I heard him laugh a little.
"Just put your backpack in the back" he said
I did as he told me then opened the door to his car.Should i get in? I mean,what can happen,right? He's not a serial killer.I got in and put my seat belt on,noticing he doesn't have his on.
"Where do you live?" he asked
"Red Rose street,nr 3361" i said in a shaky voice
Why do i have a weird feeling when he's around?
He started to drive and turned on the radio.It was a Arctic Monkeys song.
"Do i wanna know" he sang in a quiet voice,taking a cigarette out of the pack and letting go of the driving wheel while he lighted it.
There was something about Wes.The way he's so sleek with everyone,him smoking,liking and biting his lips,driving with only one hand,being irresponsible,a rebel punk.... i don't get it.
"Did you get used to our school yet?" he asked
"Yeah,it's cool" i simply answered,clenching my phone on my hand
"What about you classes? Are you the teachers fav yet?" he asked with a attitude
"What's your problem?" i asked
"Nothing,you just seem miss little perfect,taking lots of classes,being a straight A student,a goodie 2 shoes" he said,looking at me for a second
"You don't know me" i said
"True,but that's gonna change" he said as he pulled up at my house
"Yeah well,i don't think we could be friends if you keep acting like a idiot" i said and got out of the car,grabbed my backpack and going inside without saying bye.
I made myself a sandwich and watched TV for a little while playing with Malibu.Then i headed upstairs to start my homework.
I had to do a essay for Creative Writing about something fictional.Anything we would like to write about,just be original and creative.Also,yesterday for Journalism the teacher told us to make an article on PowerPoint about Mobile phones In School so i started on that one cause i have to finish it till Monday which gives me 3 days since tomorrow is Friday.
Mom got home at 5:20 so i went to greet her,tell he about school stuff.
The next day,i put my stuff in my backpack and rushed downstairs to grab breakfast.
"Sit down,i made waffles" said mom,pouring orange juice into a glass.I grabbed a bottle of NAKED juice from the fridge and 2 waffles.
"Later mom,i'm in a hurry" i said,biting into a waffle and dropping the other one to Malibu
"I didn't make the waffles for Malibu,Bianca!" yelled mom after me
"Bye" i yelled to her giggling as i ran to the bus stop
As i arrived to school Jess was waiting for me at the locker.
"Morning" i smiled
"Girl,i gotta tell you something" he smiled
"Ok,i see you're in a good mood" i laughed,opening my locker
"Daniel,the captain of the basketball team asked me out to the party tonight" she said,trying to keep her voice quiet
"Awesome,i didn't know you'd be so excited about it tho" i smiled at her,closing my locker
"Well duh,i've been crushing on his for a while"
"I gotta go,we'll catch up at lunch" i smiled and left
It's kinda upset i don't have classes with any of the girls.
The classes passed by really fast today.It's spirit week next week so i volunteered to help at the library today after school.
"Now,Mr.Tucker,since you got detention again i assumed you'd rather help around here then sit in a boring classroom" said the principle as she walked in with Wes by her side
"Bianca,i got you a little helper" smiled Mrs.Dollie
"Uh...great" i faked a smile
"Alright,well...listen to Bianca's orders and if you leave or don't do what she said i'll make sure to call your parents" she said and left
"Listen to your orders,eh?" he asked,licking his lips
"Yeah so you better lose the attitude cause i'm in charge" i said with a bossy attitude,crossing my arms over my chest
"I like it when you get all dominant,it makes you look really hot" he winked as he came closer,biting his lip
"Yeah well,here,put these books in alphabetic order and don't mess it up" i warned him
I kinda felt goo giving orders.
"Yes ma'am" he laughed
Time passed and i was done with my part.
"Are you done yet?" i asked
"As much as i like you being in charge right now" he started as he walked my way
"I'm used to thing being done my way" he finished as he put his hands on my hips,pushing me backwards till i reached the edge of a table
His face was way to close to mine but i couldn't even move,i was stuck in place.I felt his breath on my face.He looked into my eyes as he bit his bottom lip.Again.Why is this such a hot habbit? His eyes are hypnotizing and his stare is intense.His sent was amazing.He smelled like strong male aftershave that could drive anyone crazy.
"Are you uncomfortable?" he smirked
I gulped as he moved one of his hands to my cheek,caressing the skin with his fingers,his thumb brushing over my bottom lip.
"Tonight's a party at my friends house.I'll pick you up at 9:30" he said into my ear before turning around and making his way out of the library
"Oh and...wear something short and tight" he said as he left,leaving me completely frozen.
Thank you for reading,vote,comment and share my story.
I'm planning on doing a CODY HERBINKO fanfiction as well,so stay tuned if you like Cody.

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