5 Bad Boy Good Lips

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Picture of:Casey

It's been like 2 weeks since Wes became distant towards me.I figure he lost interest in me.However,i met this guy.His name is Jamie and he's a senior.
We've been talking for a week now and he's one of the coolest and nicest guys you'll ever meet.
"I don't know,Casey,i met him last week" i rolled my eyes smiling
"Hes cute tho.He's tall,he has blue eyes.I think you have a crush on him" she wiggled her eyebrows
"Shut up i don't" i laughed as we entered the cafeteria
We walked to our usual table and sat down,waiting for the other 2 girls.
"Hey babe" said Brandon as he sat down next to his girlfriend,giving her a kiss
"Hey Brandon" i smiled
"Oh hey,didn't see you there" he joked
"Ha-ha,you're so funny,really tho" i said sarcastically
"Oh,did you guys hear what happened to Wes Tucker?" he asked
"No,why what happened?" asked Casey
"Well,yesterday he got into this fight in the parking lot with Steve Peterson,they both got injured,the police came,the ambulance was there,it was crazy" he said
"When did this happen?" i asked
"It was after class,the buses left,i was with him,taking and the next second,they are arguing and fighting" Brandon explained
"Wow,look at him" said Casey,pointing to Wes behind me
I turned around to see him.He was sitting 2 tables away.His lip was busted,he had a cut above his eye.
"I heard Steve has a broken rib" said Brandon
Wes caught my stare,forming an intense eye contact.He suddenly got up and started walking towards the exit door.I jumped up,running after him,eventually catching him in the hallway.
"Wes,what happened to you?" i asked,grabbing his arm
"Leave me alone" he said,pulling his arm away,speeding up his walk
"No,tell me" i said,getting in front of him,stopping him
He looked worse up close.
"Why do you care?You told me to fuck off" he asked,rising his voice
"Wes,i....can we just...talk?Somewhere without people staring at us?" i asked
I couldn't hide the fact that i cared about him,tho i asked him to stay away.
He hesitated answering and looked away from my face.
"Please" i said and his eyes snapped back at mine
"I'll meet you after classes in the parking lot" he said and walked away
My last 2 classes passed away fast and i hurried to meet Wes. He was waiting in his car.I got in and looked at him for a while before asking the questions.
"What happened yesterday? Why did you get into a fight?" i asked
"I just...it doesn't matter,okay?" he asked,getting pissed
"Did you clean your injuries?" i asked
"I just washed it with water" he said
"Drive to my house,i'll clean them for you" i said
He just started the engine,without saying anything.As we arrived,i walked him into the bathroom.He leaned against the counter and watched me take out the first aid kit.
"This might sting" i warned before dabbing the cut under his eyebrow.He hissed at the contact and gripped my waist.I did the same to his lips which seemed to hurt more.His fingertips were digging into my skin.
"All done" i said,putting my hand on his chest
He hissed again.Does he have cuts on his torso as well?
"Take your shirt off" i commanded
"Fuck,you don't fuck around,do ya?Straight to the business" he smirked
"Wes,i'm not in the mood" i warned
He took of his shirt and he had a couple purple and green bruises on his abdomen and sides and one on his collarbone.
"Oh god,Wes..." i let out as i looked at his body
"It's not big deal" he said
I traced my fingertips lightly over the bruise on his abdomen,which flexed at my touch,revealing his forming 6 pack.
"Thanks" he said
I looked up to him giving him a smile.
"You're welcome" i said,gently wrapping my arms around his torso,inhaling his smell
"God" he breathed out,hugging me as well
It felt so nice.It felt amazing.His strong arms around me,i felt safe.
"I have to go" he said
Truth was,i didn't want him to leave.He put his shirt back on and i washed my hands.
He started walking towards the front door as i followed behind.When he reached the front door he suddenly stopped and turned back around to face me.His eyes looked into my intensly.Then,Wes stepped closer,cupping my cheeks and pressing his lips to mine.I ran my hand through his hair,kissing back.
I could feel the blood starting to pour a little  from his lip but that didn't stop him.
His lips felt amazing.His kiss was tender,passionate and wild.His hands traveled down my body,gripping my hips and ass,pulling me closer.
He pulled away after a bit and i tried to catch my shaky breath.He looked me into the eyes.
"I have to go" he said before rushing out of the house and driving off
I was confused and amazed at the same time.I touched my lip,wiping a bit of blood off.
Omg,what did just happen?!
Thank you for reading,vote,comment and share my story.xx

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