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"OH!MY!GAWD!" my mom yelled,entering the house
"What's wrong?" i asked,jumping from the couch
"Look what arrived in the mail" she sang the words holding up a plain white envelope
"Oh my gosh" i gasped
I took the envelope from her and opened it right away.
"I feel like i'm gonna explode,oh god" my mom said with a smile
"Dear Miss Bianca Adams,we're happy to congratulate you for the effort you made and say that you're the lucky owner of the scholarship for Journalism at U.C.L.A" i read
"Yes!You made it!"mom yelled and hugged me tightly
I can't believe it!I actually got the scholarship!When my dad got home i told him about it and he was very happy and proud.
The next day,i was excited for school.Apparntly,everybody knew about my scholarship already.Mrs. Dollie wanted to congratulate me so she asked me to go to her office.
"But i don't get one thing.I wasn't the best at SAT and either at my university exam,why did i make it and not the ones that had full score" i said
"Those only focused on the tests,not on extra curricular things.At the interview,they look for unique personalities,not common nerds" she giggled
"Oh...alright well,i should get going,Casey is waiting for me" i smiled and walked out of the office
"Omg,finally,come on,hurry!" she yelled and grabbed my arm

We were running towards the school parking lot where the majority of students were gathered up.
"What the hell?" i asked as she pushed through the crowd
"Fight fight fight!" everybody yelled an cheered
"Oh my god" i let out as i saw Wes and this stranger circle,both of them glaring deadly at each other
I swear,if Wes' eyes could kill,everybody would be dead already.I've never seen him like this.
"What is happening?" Casey asked
"This guy showed up earlier and started yelling at Wes and the next second they were fighting" he said while taking out is phone to record the fight
I looked over at Wes and his lip was busted just like last time.The guy had short blonde hair and he was wearing all black.
"Time is ticking Wes" the blonde laughed
"Go away or i'll kill you" Wes groaned
"Oh please.Don't threaten me...unless you wanted me to tell everybody your little secrets" the guy giggled
He looked like a mess,his lip and cheek were both bleeding.I shivered when he fixed his eyes on me.He looked back at Wes with a smirk.
What is going on?
"Don't you dare" Wes said
"Or what?" the guy kept his smirk and approached me
"What a shame you dumped her,Wes" the giggled,caressing my cheek
I slapped his hand away and took a step backwards
"It's none of your fucking business" Wes hissed
The fight started again but soon,a couple teachers showed up,along side with a cop car.
"Hands behind your back and down on your knees" the cop yelled and walked over to Wes while another one to the guy
I watched as he handcuffed Wes and put him in the cop car along with the other guy.
"What is happening?" Casey whispered
"I don't know but i'm scared" i whispered back
I saw Wes look at me though the window of the car.
"No!You can't take him!" i heard Heather yell
She was crying and screaming.
"Calm down Heather,you're not gonna solve anything with yelling" said Mrs.Dollie
The cop car left after talking to the principle and some students that saw the fight from the beginning.
"What do you think,who was that guy?" asked Casey
"I have no idea,i've never seen him before" i said
"I wonder what he meant by telling everyone Wes' secrets" she said
"I'm scared.I don't know who he is but he knows me" i said,looking down to my feet
"Yeah,the whole touchy thing was weird" she said and hugged me
"I hope Wes didn't get himself into something illegal" i said
"Like drugs?" she asked
"Or something worse" i said,my voice cracking
The whole rest of the day was weird.I couldn't get my mind off of Wes and that guy.

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