Chapter 17 (Kian's POV)

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“Right on time Trevor is just about to go on.” Sam says as we walk in.

I pull out a chair and Stef sits down. “What do you want to eat?” I ask.

“Chili fries or nachos…no both.”

“Both?” I ask surprised. Could she really eat all that?

“I can’t have both?” She looks so disappointed. “You can have whatever you want.” I kiss her cheek.

“Water too please.”

“Of course.” I walk to the counter and order food.

I put the glass of water in front of Stef as I sti down. “Thanks.” She smiles and takes a sip.

Trevor was on stage just starting to perform. He finishes his set list and of course he was amazing. 

“Now I have this friend who has this girl and I want her to come up and sing a little soemthing with me. Stef where you at?”

The spot shines on her and she buries her hea din my neck. “Don’t be embarrassed go up.”

She stands up and slowly makes her way to the stage. She gets on stage and Trevor gives her a mic. The music plays and they start to sing the Riff-Off from Pitch Perfect.

I just stare at her having so much fun-

“Yo dude.”

“What?” I turn to sam. 

“Man, you really liek her.” He leans back in his chair,

“Yea man I do.” I smile looking at her and how happy she is.

“What is it that you like so much about her?” Sam asks.

“Where do I start?”

Its everything, er smile, her laugh, the way she looks at me, how she is always so damn happy. Its all of her little things.

“What happens when she leaves?” Sam asks breaking my train of thought.

“I don’t want to think about that man.”

SHe comes off stage and sits beside. “You were awesome.”

“Thanks Kian. Where’s our food?” She asks.

The waiter sets down the chili fires and nachos. “You’re gonna eat all that by yourself?” Corey asks.

“Maybe.” She smiles taking a fry. She did in fact eat all that by herself.

“I’ve never seen anyone eat so much food before.” Eric comnments.

“I’m still hungry.” Stef replies. I can’t believe she is still hungry after all that.

“Okay I’ll get more.” Sam says getting up. “Thanks.”

“Are you ready to party?” The DJ announces.

“Let’s dance.” Stef grabs my hand and pulls me to the dance floor. The guys join us and we dance to a sick mash up.

Danicng with my friends and my girl is seriously amazing.

Summer Love (Kian Lawley)Where stories live. Discover now