Chapter 19

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I see Kian getting escotred by a police officer. The rest of the guys are being picked up ny their parents.


“Yea what?” I turn the officer who was talking to me and my mom.

“We are going to have to fine you.”

“What?” why?” I ask.

“Because you got in a fight.” Mom replies.

“It was out of self defence, that guy hit Kian first and I was trying to help. Why isn’t he getting arrested?”

The officer hesitates to answer. I get out of my seat and head for the door. “Where arfe you going?” He asks.

“To get Kian.” I open the door and head for the jail cell.

“Oh Stef I’m so happy to see you.” Kian grabs the bars of the cell.

“Let him out.” I ordered the officer. “Why?” He crosses his arms.

“Because the only reason why he is in jail is because the other, who it him first, obviously has connections and you wouldn’t keep a seventeen year old in jail after he fought for me now would you?”

The officer sighs and opens the door. Kian runs out and hugs me. “thank you.”

“You’re welcome, let’s go.” O grab his hand and drag him to the front of the station.

“Kian Lawley.” I see Kian’s mom standing with her hands on her hips. 

“Hi mom.” He let’s go of my hand and walks up to her.

“How dare you get ina  fight you know better than that.” He looks at me shyly and back at his mom.

“I’m sorry mom.”

“Was it because of her?” She points at me and Kian nods.

“That’s it, I’m done with you hanging out with her, you are neevr going to see her again.” She grabs his hand and starts pulling him to the front door.

“Wait Kian.” I call out running after them.

“Stefanie Irene Helene Neumann.” I stop and look at my mom. “Yes mom.”

“The police is letting you off with a warning but do not get in another fight.” She explains. 


“Let’s go.” I follow her out of the station and into the car. We drive back to the hotel without saying anything to each other.

“Mom.” She opens the door and walks in. I walk in after her and shut the door.


She doesn’t answer.

“For fuck sakes will you answer me, you didn’t say anythign the whole ride here.”

“Watch your tone young aldy.” She replies.

“That’s all you have to say to me?” I ask.

“That boy isn’t good for you.”

“That boy is the best thing that has ever happened to me.” I protest.

“You got in two fights and almost died while you were with him.”

“At least I didn’t get in a fight with him, unlike last summer.” Her face goes completely blank.

“mom just let me see him one last time before we leave.”

“No.” She grabs clothes from the drawer and puts them in a suitcase.

“Please mom, I can’t leave without seeing him again.” Tears start forming in my eyes as she looks at me.


I lean up against the wall and slide down. “Please mom.” I exclaim as the tears stream down my face.

She sits in front of me and pits her ahnds on my knees. “You are so lucky you’re favourite child.”

“Does that mean I can see him?” I aska s my face lights up.


I give her a hug and grab my phone. “Friday because we’re leaving Saturday.”

I nod and see that I had a text from Kian.

Kian: Idk if I can see you again before you leave.

Me: My mom said I can see you Friday before we leave Saturday.

Kian: My parents are gone all day maybe I can sneak you in.

Me: Sounds good :)

Kian: I’ll see you Friday beautiful <3

Me: Can’t wait Kiki :) <3


Did I just call him kiki?

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