Chapter 01 "Innocent whim"

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DISCLAIMER: All characters belong to OUAT series from ABC. Rumplestiltskin x Belle. May contain strong scenes, you are warned, dearie.

 May contain strong scenes, you are warned, dearie

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"Three night spell"

by Sialia A. Muñoz –BluebirdOfHapiness

Translated byVictoryLilyGreen

Art by Themightyrumbeller

Chapter 01

Belle was tired of cleaning, dusting, sweeping and ordering. The castle was impeccable and yet her master order her to repeat the same routine. Daily. She took the rag that she kept to clean the big furniture in the main hall, taking the dust that was there, if there was any at all. She looked at the window, there was still an hour before night fall and then darkness would reign. She gave a quick look to her surroundings, Rumplestiltskin hadn't shown himself all day. He probably was outside doing "business". Even so, he always announced when he went outside. Or maybe he was just busy in the basement working on some spell.

She opened one of the main windows, letting herself take a little bit of fresh air and to enjoy the scenery. The green of the forest contrasted with the orange and violet of the sky. The quiet of the afternoon was present in the hall, interrupted only by the chirping of the birds that announced the fall of the afternoon. For a moment she felt at home, it was what she liked to do as her little comfort and personal time. She had forgotten how good it felt, she closed her eyes and imagined herself in her castle, siting by the window of her bedroom, reading a book while she let the afternoon envelop her. How she missed it and longed to be there again! But now she was a prisoner and a slave of The Dark One. She looked around again for his presence, without success. She knew that she still had to clean one of the rooms –that was probably still clean. She got up and decided to give herself one of those personal moments. She left and went up to the library. Tomorrow she could –and would, clean everything again.

The library wasn't a very big room, but the vast walls where covered with books, making the small space look big enough for her, and it was her room. Rumplestiltskin had let her have that place in exchange of keeping it clean, but she knew it was only an excuse.

She took the book that was on her night stand, using the light of the candle to read at night, her one moment of rest. But today she wanted to read in the twilight, next to the window. If her master found her before time in her bedroom, he would scold her and send her to the dungeon again and she didn't want that. Not after all the work and time that it had cost her to get out of that cold, humid and horrible place. Instead if he found her in the main hall, she could invent some excuse. She went back down, sat in the couch in front of the window to read and let herself go. She relaxed and for a moment she forgot about her misery for the first time.

"Belle.... Belle!"

Belle woke up startled and almost fell from the couch. She looked around the hall. It was dark, barely lighted by the moon coming through the window. She realized she had fallen asleep, but how long?

"Care to tell me, what you are doing here!?" Rumplestiltskin was next to her and he was furious. He took her by her arm forcing her to get up.

"S –sorry! I fell asleep, I just..." She tried to remember some of the excuses she had planned, but her mind was still slow from waking up to react.

"Yes, yes! That is obvious, dearie! For that you have your room, to sleep! The rest of the mansion is for working, or are you not happy with the library?"

"Is not that! I just..."Belle looked at her lap, trying to find the book that she was reading to try and explain. To be sincere. But the book wasn't there, instead it was a blanket on her.

"Are you looking for this?" Rumplestiltskin pointed at the book she was looking for, lifting it in his hand. "How romantic, reading under the light of the moon". He said this last part with his typical high and sarcastic voice.

"Wait... you put this on me?" Belle lifted the blanket that was on her lap.

"This is what you were looking for, is it not?!" Rumplestiltskin raised his voice pointing to the book, trying to intimidate her and to change the subject. Belle, instead, smiled, giving him one of those candid looks that she sent towards her master each time he would do a human act.

"You worried about me, did you not?" His gaze went still for a moment. It was the effect her smile always caused on him. Since the first time that he saw it, as if he had slowly succumbed to a spell. There was something in her that stopped him from making his plans as he desired. That frustrated him.

"It serves me nothing to have a sick servant." He approached her, giving her a menacing look. "You would only get in the way and my work would suffer."

"Then why did you not wake me up before?" Belle corresponded with intrepid eyes, knowing that she had discovered the truth in her employer.

"I had just found you."

"You lie."

"You believe I would let you lazy around in my castle?"

"You just did." Belle shrugged a little, giving a triumph look to her employer. "This blanket is warm for you to have just put it on me. I could not have warmed so soon with my body. And the cold would have woken me before."

"Don't get the wrong idea, your body must have warmed the blanket." Both kept their gazes up not wanting to relent. Rumplestiltskin lowered his gaze on her body with lust in his eyes "But! Thinking better of it..."Belle's triumphant smile turned to one of sincere concern when she felt him following the lines her body with his gaze. "I wouldn't be so sure, dearie."

Rumplestiltskin took advantage of her moment of weakness, and gave her his own triumphant smile. He couldn't let his servant think that she could take more liberties from the ones she already had. He would not fall for her charms and would take back some control over her. And he knew how. Because he was The Dark One and no one could go over his orders.

"Since you've lost more than enough time and have disobeyed my orders, I'll double your work. Oh! And you will serve me during the night as well. You will take care of my personal needs before going to sleep." Belle tried to say something, but thought better of it, he lifted his hand in a manner, taking his finger to her plump and red lips. "Ah, ah. You disobeyed, now you have to pay the price."

"...and it will be for a whole month."

Author's note:

Finally! My first Rumbelle fic... and translated! All thanks to VictoryLilyGreen. I really appreciate your effort and enthusiasm for this, dearie.You can find her here www fanfiction net/u/2013552/Kobato00 and archiveofourown org/users/VictoryLilyGreen (complete spaces with dots).

Hope all of you enjoy this work. This is the first chapter of –till this moment, nineteen chapters and ongoing. That's right, it's a long fic. Please, feel free to vote and review. We'll appreciate your support to keep translating this. Because remember...

All magic comes with a Price!

Sialia A. Muñoz ~BluebirdOfHapiness

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