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Chapter 12 "Shiver"

But I got my fingers laced together and I made a little prison

and I'm locking up everyone that ever laid a finger on me.

"Yellow Flicker Beat" - Lorde

Rumplestiltskin was in his lab, a space he dedicated to the creation of potions and spells, working on the memory potion, when a sudden loud noise took his concentration away.

A clock sounded, announcing that it was four o clock. Since Belle's arrival he had hung that clock with the purpose of remembering to descend on time for each meal. As a busy man it wasn't unusual that he would get lost in his work and forgot the passing of time, but he was also a man of his word and as much as he expected others to do their part, he demanded the same of himself. Discipline was the foundation of success and that included being on time for meals.

The door closed behind him as he exit the room. In his way to the dining room he kept thinking of what will happen now, the days before had kept him under stress, keeping his distance from his service maid and skipping meals had become necessary. Yet the memory potion was almost done, taking away his reason to stay away and return to his habitual routine, but more than that, he needed to keep an eye on Belle.

Since she wore the amulet, Belle couldn't be affected by Rumplestiltink's magic, which included his ability to observe her from other rooms in the castle. Reason why they ate together, for him to be able to supervise her, evidently, her behavior had been affected by the spell, making her more forward, bolder.

He still remembered her gaze, those plum red lips of hers, seducing him, how she took his by her own volition. A sweet and bitter taste started on his throat remembering her kiss, the smell of wild flowers that was hers, that was Belle, it was quickly becoming a drug to him. He needed to have her near, to catch a drift of her smell, to feel her skin and for those beautiful blue eyes to lock with his...It was intoxicating.

The more he was exposed to her, the more he could feel her get under his skin, taking him captive. She was an addictive poison as much as a drug that would end up being his death if he wasn't capable of forgetting her.

Fortunately, in a couple of hours, everything would end; he avoided the use of magic the night before, so that it would not interfere with the amulet. None of them would remember the last couple of days after taking the potion and he would make sure that everything would go according to plan.

Arriving at the dining hall he had expected to find the table served, Belle being punctual, instead he found the room empty. That worried him, not wasting a moment he silently entered the kitchen, expecting to find her service maiden in the same condition as the morning, finding nothing, casseroles and dishes in their proper place, the area ordered and clean and eerily silent.


Irritation was clear on his voice, he started by going out of the kitchen and went looking on the other rooms that where on her schedule for the day. Where could she be? Fear crept in him after finding nothing in the rooms, arriving lastly at the 'Treasure Room' as Belle had dubbed it a few days after her arrival.


He felt frustration in his inability to use a simple spell to locate her and was considering using his power when something caught his attention. Crossing the room in a few quick steps he was able to see that it was Baelfire's clothes, his son's clothes where on the floor, his irritation became anger after seeing his most valuable treasure left on the floor with such disregard. How dare that woman leave them out there?! With his anger rising he first folded with as much care as he was able the small clothes, caressing the harsh fabric.

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