Chapter 04 "Vanity"

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DISCLAIMER: All characters belong to OUAT series from ABC. Rumplestiltskin x Belle. May contain strong scenes, you are warned, dearie.

 May contain strong scenes, you are warned, dearie

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"Three night spell"

By Sialia A. Muñoz -BluebirdOfHapiness

Translated by VictoryLilyGreen

Art by themightyrumbeller

Enter the scenery of love

lovers are in pain,they blame and pick on each other.

You play melodies of love

forgotten phrases,tender and sweet.

"Vanity" -Yuki Kajiura

Chapter 4

Belle stopped dead in her tracks after hearing her masters answer while she assimilated that information. Did she hear correctly? The decisiveness and courage that was with her minutes before had left her after hearing the words that Rumplestiltskin shouted. Instinctively, she ran the rest of the way to up to her chambers and closed the door with a bang, as if the words had followed her after being said. Impossible. Her worst fear had become a reality. She let her weight fall on the door and slipped down to the ground. All the emotions that she had bottled up during the events of the night where freed finally giving way to confusion. Was he serious? What if he only wanted to take advantage of her? Or, was he only restraining her to her chambers to keep her from danger? She remembered his face, his gaze. His words, they must be true.

"Because you would have to sleep three nights with me, dearie"

She covered her mouth with her hands, trying to hide a whimper. Her master was right. She couldn't do it. She wasn't ready. It was a high price that she was not prepared to pay. She replayed what happened today in her mind, trying to find some sense to it. She kept committing error after error. She had been tricked and in doing so she had cast a spell that was far too disturbing for her master. A love spell. And all because of a stupid candle. She looked at the candle that Rumplestiltskin had given her. A protective spell. She had to light it to be safe from him.

She remembered the incident, his respiration, his gaze and the heat of his body over her. A strange tingle went through her body, but she didn't understand what it was, panic? She recalled the fright of anticipation for what might happen while feeling trapped under the body of a man. She remembered feeling observed and desired for each inch of her skin. She brought her fingers to her lips, trying to recreate the brush of Rumplestiltskin's lips on hers. He had barely touched them, but she had felt it.

Three night spell (OUAT Rumbelle)Where stories live. Discover now