Chapter 05 "Insanity"

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DISCLAIMER: All characters belong to OUAT series from ABC. Rumplestiltskin x Belle. May contain strong scenes, you are warned, dearie.

 May contain strong scenes, you are warned, dearie

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"Three night spell"

You are here alone again in your sweet insanity

All too calm, you hide yourself from reality

Do you call it solitude? Do you call it liberty?

When all the world turns away to leave you lonely

"The world" - Yuki Kajiura

Chapter 05

Rumplestiltskin sat at the edge of his bed, glaring with disdain at the red glow of the candle.

After Belle had left the chambers minutes ago, he tried several spells to try and light it off. But nothing had worked. Frustrated, he lifted a hand to his temple, the other he closed in a fist. He gave out a cry and a punch to thin air that connected to and tumbled the base of the white candle, making it roll for a few meters. The candle ended against one of the curtains that started to set on fire. Rumplestiltskin made a simple hand gesture and extinguished the fire with magic. He got up and started to stroll nervously. At least he was grateful that he didn't tumbled the red candle or surely the whole castle would be in flames by now. There was no way to extinguish the fire. Not at least, until the candle consumed itself completely, in twenty eight days or by spending three nights with Belle.

He immediately rid himself of the idea. No women would desire to spend a night with him, much less a maiden of high upbringing like her. He started thinking of other alternatives. The second and fastest route would be to force her for nine days. But, what stopped him? He thought of all the people he had abused with his power. He had stolen, abducted even killed. He simply had never been interested in sexually abusing anyone, even if, well he would not have minded taking Cora to bed or even Regina or Zelena. They were women whose soul was corrupted and dark, those that seduced Rumplestiltskin. He knew his own tastes and they were the kind of women that he liked. That is why he never considered that he would feel something for Belle, so different to them, simple and innocent. Pure.

And then he understood. That was the reason he had kept his distance. He felt no desire to corrupt her. Because in the moment he did... she would become something dangerous to him. And before he felt any weakness towards her, he would have to kill her. After living with him for months she knew too much. That was surely what Regina was skimming, for her to become his weakness. Even if he killed her, he would lose.

Unless he could keep Belle locked up for twenty eight days. It seemed the best choice... but the most painful for him. Frustrated, he stood up, in search of the first object at his reach to send it flying against the wall, when he heard some knocks against the door. Rumpelstiltskin stood still. Was he starting to hallucinate? Was madness at his door on the first night?

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