engagement ball

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1 month later

Elsas POV

Tonughtthe ball for jack and I's engagement was being held. I dont rally care much for these things. But they are traditin so we have to have one. I put on purple dress (pic above) then I go over to find jack

"Jack I know you dont like it but you're gonna have to put on a suit!" I call. He hates them. Usually I have to get anna and kristoff to hold him down so I can use my powers. I turn around and see hes allready in one. And not one from my ice either

"Youre wearing a suit?" I say confused

"Well yes. What else?" He asks with an innocent look and his classic smirk.

"Its just that I usually have to make one out of ice while youre being pinned down" he comes near me and kisses me

"People change snow" he whispers in my ear. Theres something differnet about him. Just my imagination. I shrug it off and head to crystals room. She loves to dress up and she wanted to look like me so I made her a mini child version of my dress. It was a bt shorter then kine so she didnt trip or anything. I grabbed crystals hand and jack grabbed mine. The announcer announced who we were and our engagement. Eveybody applauded and crystal went and showed the other kids her powers. She has recently showed abilities of ice and snow. Theyre not as strong to hurt somebody because theyre only half as strong as mine. Because of hiccup. Speak of the devil I see him and astrid walk up to us. He kisses astrids cheek and she goes off.

"You look beautiful els" he says. I smile

"Can I talk to you in private please?" He asks. I nod and we walk out into the gardens.

"so whats up?" I ask. He sighs

"First of all im happy for you els. I really am" there was a pained expression behind his eyes. I smile

"But theres more" I say. He sighs and nods

"Something about jack. The look in his eyes it just" he starts.

"It what?" I ask

"Was jack ever violent?" He asks.

"No. He was always kind and gentle and happy. Why are you asking?"

"When I look into his eyes I see savageness, violence, anger, the urge to kill even" he did not just say that about jack!

"Hiccup nothing you say will make me call this off" I say annoyed

"Elsa you havent noticed anythng out of the ordinary? Anything at all?" He asks.

"People change hiccup" I say

"So you have. Just thnk about it els. Thats all im saying"

"No. Im happy with jack. You should be happy with astrid. I love him" I say. Hiccups expression flashes to hurt for a minute.

"You have astrid. Go be happy. Thts all I want for you" I say. Then he walks off.

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