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Hiccups POV

Everything was dark. I was a little sore. The last thing I remember was elsa choking me? I shot my eyes open to find im in arendelle. I look down to see crystal asleep next to me. I guess she got worried and fell asleep next to me. The guardians were all there as well. I try my best to get up without waking crys

"Hiccup youre not going anywhere. So just relax" north insists. I sigh out of annoyance and lie back down.

"Did that really just happen?" I asked. Hoping it would all be a dream and I imagined it all. And maybe that there was some other explanation that I passed out.

"Unfortunately yes. Pitch brainwashed her. All her memories of you, her family or anything are gone. She only knows darkness and she follows pitchs every order no matter what. And in that moment was getting rid of you. She almost succeeded. Youre lucky to be alive. You were out three days" north says In his thick acent.

"Is everbody okay?" I ask. They all exchange a look

"Not everybody" bunny says sadly

"Who?" I ask knowing someone isn't okay. It was pretty obvious.

"Astrid took a black arrow to the heart. Shes too far gone and tooth cant heal her. She is alive at the moment. But we dont know for how long" north says. Regret and grief written ver his face and in his voice. Oh no. I get up and walk out of the room and find the one with astrid in it. I open the door to see her sleeping in a bed. I sit down beaide her and watch her sleep for a few minutes. This was all my fault. She was loking very pale. She seemed so small. For the first time ever she looked weak. In all the time I had known her she was always so tough and strong and confident. She would never let anyone see her like this no matter who. I brushed a strand of hair out of her face. She slowly she then opened her blue eyes and looked up at me

"Hey dork" she sad trying to sound cheerful but her voice was raspy and quiet. I smile down at her

"Hey baby" I say.

"Hiccup theres something I need to tell you" she says sadly

"I know. Im so sorry astrid. This is all my fault" I say sadly. And it was. When she came back I should have been overjoyed. I might not have gotten back together with her but I should have at least done things differently. And she got dragged down into my problems and now she was going to die. I can feel a tear stream dpwn my face

"Hiccup its not your fault. Im the one that should be sorry. I thought things could go back to the way they were. I was consumed with jealousy and longing. I should have let you be with elsa. Im sorry I ruined ypur life"

"No. No you didnt. You did just the oppisite astrid." I leaned down and kissed her forehead. I lay down beside her and held her close to me

"Dont leave" she said quietly. Her vpice quiet as a whisper.

"Never. Goodbye astrid. I will always love you in a special way" I said. I may not have loved her like that anymore but I still loved her. She smiled and drifted off to sleep. And so did I.
I wake up the next morning to see astird snuggled up next to me.

"Astrid?" I asked her. No answer. I leaned down and placed my ear iver her heart. There was no heartbeat. Shes gone. I hold her close to me.

"Im so sorry astrid. I will never forget you. Goodbye" then I slip out of the room, letting the door close behind me

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