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3 days later

Hiccups POV

We are all mourning astrid. I still cant believe shes gone. Mostly i was just shocked. I never hpught such a tough, brave and ruthless girl like her could be killed. And maybe that was what scared me the most. If this pitch guy could kill someone like her then its clear that hes a very dangerous and vey powerful enemy. That lso happens to have elsa unde his control. Yep i hate his freaking guts. Speaking of Elsa Tooth is searching her libraries for a cure. we are all waiting anxiously. There has to be someway to bring her back Then she comes back

"Okay I found it" she says quite happy with herself for doing so

"Spill" I say. Her words have gotten my attention.

"Well elsa has forgotten what it is like to be loved. Her sous is taken away and in order for someone to get it back she needs love. And im talking true love" tooth says seriously

"I could cure her" I pipe up. Everybody stares at me
"But you broke up. Four years ago" anna says awkwardly

"I never stopped loving her anna. And she still lives me. He just refuses to admt it to herself" I say.

"It is only hope for elsa. Hiccup its up to you to save her life" north says. I nod. No presseure there at all right

"We attack at dawn. Everybody get some rest" bunny says I nod and head back to my room. I dont know how im going to get some sleep but its worth a try. Then crustal comes in.

"Nightmare?" I ask her. She shakes her head

"Why does mommy need to be cured? Is she sick?" She asks curiously. She overheard us. I sigh not really knowing what to say

"Mommy will be with us soon again. I promise. Daddy wil make sure of that" she snuggles up next to me and falls asleep. I sigh and fall asleep too.


I wake up and put my armor on. Anna is watching crystal. I grab a few daggers. I refuse to hurt elsa. But if worse comes to worse I might just have to cut her leg or her arm just to slow her down. I jst hope she wont be su furious with me. I hop on toothless adjusting my metal leg to fit into the slot athat helped control his fake tail

"Are you ready hiccup?" Tooth asks. I nod. We all fly off. The sky was pink, purple red and gold. Ive always loved flying at this time of day. But I didnt pay much mind to the beauty at the moment. What I paye attention to was elsa

we arrive at the black castle again. I sneak downstairs, While the others confront pitch. I hear a thunk noise. I peek in through a window and see elsa throwing shards of ice shaped like daggers a target. Rarely missing the center mark. Actually they perfectly hit the center of the target. Years ago I had taught her to use a sword. And she eas good at it. I sneak up behind her ready to grab her. I place my hands over her mouth so she cant scream. She struggles and kicks to try and get away from me. I hated doing this to her

"Elsa its okay. Im not gonna hurt you its okay. Calm down" I say. She just struggles harder. I grabbed a syringe out of my pocket and injected it onto her arm.

"There we go. Elsa just relax. Its okay" I say. She slowly stopped strugling. I picked her up bridal style and walked ut of the dungeons. Then tpoth cam running towards me

"Good you found her. Now lets go" she says. I hop onto toothless and we quietly slip away. Just because pitch was out doesnt men he couldnt come back. I look down at elsas pale face. She seemed differsnt in her sleep. Her tough act that she had gained with his new curse was down. She looked so tiny and fragile. But mostly she looked scared. I kiss the top of her forehead

"Its okay elsa. Its all gonna be okay now. I promise" they say promises are meant to be broken. But not this one. I will never lwt that happen. As long as I live

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