His Name is Aladdin

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** See what I did to the title there?! HEHE **
// Also, Reader-chan will meet Aladdin and Alibaba a bit before the desert hyacinth attacks them //

( Reader-Chan, 12 years old )

3 years past, as ( Name ) trained herself, Well, as best she could in both Magic and sword man's ship. Now, ( Name ) was headed to a place called Qishan, Why you ask? To look around, and too relax a bit, okay maybe a lot.

( Name ) stomped along the faded desert path, panting heavily as her sweat drenched ( h/c ) hair stuck to her face and neck. " Just who's bloody idea was it to place a town in a middle of a desert?! Huh?! Answer me, life! " She screeched to no one in particular, no, no one in no where.

" Hey! Little lady! You're blocking the path! " A voice yelled at ( Name ). ( Name )'s nostrils flared, spinning around she stomped her foot on the ground loudly. The voice, belonging to a blonde headed boy flinched " So? This path is very big, isn't it? Can't you just, I don't know, fly over me, Maybe? Hm? " She retorted, sarcasm lacing her voice completely.

A anger mark on ( Name )'s face grew a each moment passed by as she glared at the ground before looking up to see a certain blonde headed boy, a fat man eating apples ( which she scrunched up her nose at ), and a blue headed boy that looked around 10-11 years old that was trying to get a hold of a apple from the pig man.

The ( h/c ) raised a eyebrow as she placed a hand on her hips, " Alibaba-nii / ( Name ) ? " The blonde head and ( h/c ) haired girl spoke in perfect sync. Their eyes widened and pointed at each other, again, in perfect sync " ALIBABA-NII / ( NAME ) ! " They exclaimed at the same time. The fat man, also known as Budel stomped over " Who the hell is this brat, Alibaba?! " He said angrily waving his chubby hands at ( Name ). " Get out of the way, brat! We have to deliver wine! " Budel sneered at the 12 year old girl. " Hoho, Okay then, In return I'd like to ride on that cart with you guys there, I AM just a little 12 year old girl, you see " ( Name ) said with a sly smile " WHY YOU-- Fine. Get on. " Budel said blankly gesturing to get on.

( Name ) cheered silently in victory as she hopped on. Alibaba raised an eyebrow at the ( h/c ) haired girl " Where the hell have you been ( Name ) ? Kassim took me to the slums and you weren't around.. NO ONE was around.. what the hell? " He said side glancing at ( Name ). " Alibaba-kun, Who's this? " The blue haired boy said pointing at ( Name ) with his big blue eyes, ( Name ) sensed a lot of rukh around him ' What..? This rukh... ' she thought

" Ah! This is... ( Name ). " He said with a tiny pink tint on his cheeks. " And ( Name ), this is Aladdin... " He said gesturing his free hand at the both of them. ( Name ) tilted her head and smiled " It's nice to meet you, Aladdin! " She said with a big smile " Same here! " Aladdin grinned. " Ah, So What'cha up to? The both of ya? " ( Name ) asked, leaning on the side of the cart " I'm just doing my job as a driver! " Alibaba said happily " Even though one day I'll go dungeon diving! " Alibaba said " Then, I'll be the richest man on the planet! " He grinned to himself.

Aladdin tilted his head a bit " But, Alibaba-kun, Why would you want that? Money doesn't always bring happiness. " He said. ( Name ) looked a bit surprised ' Wise words, kid, wise words ' " But, if you have money, you can buy all the food you want! " Alibaba said gesturing his free hand around. " Did you just say food? " Aladdin ears perked up " Yes, Yes! And women! " Alibaba nodded his head " Women! " Aladdin's eyes became starry.

" Ugh, Boys and men. " ( Name ) rolled her eyes. The woman and her daughter behind the 3 of them giggled. We all looked to them and smiled. " Ah, Gomen, Gomen. My daughter, Mina likes hearing stuff about the treasures in dungeons. " Pfft, What nonsense! You poor people and your poor little dreams! " Budel scoffed " " Treasure Hunter " ? Don't make me laugh, Is there really that much pleasure in fishing up sand rats in the desert for you? Driver, I know you're smarter than that. " He said the juices of the apple he bit running down his chin.

Alibaba looked forward " .... Yeah." He said, his bangs covering his eyes. " Don't waste your time with dreams that you can't reach, Mice should stay as mice rather than wasting your lives searching for garbage, Right, driver? " Budel said. Aliababa turned back to to look at the road " ....... Yeah... " He said slowly " Oh Yeah! You're totally right boss! " Alibaba bursted out happily scratching the back of his head.

" I've got my hands full just being a driver! " He said with a smile that looked kinda fake. ( Name ) raised a eyebrow at the blonde haired boy " Sad to say my potential is only good enough to be a mouse! " He laughed, gripping the whip a little harder.

Aladdin stared at Alibaba questioningly " Your a liar, aren't you, Mister Alibaba-kun.. " Aladdin said looking up at him as Alibaba had a surprised look on his face " Why..? " ( Name )'s ears perked up " Where will that get you..? If you lie and lie, no one will ever believe your words! " Aladdin exclaimed ' Well, this kid, I mean Aladdin is sure clever for his age.. ' ( Name ) thought stroking his imaginary beard, unknowingly with a tiny pink dust rested on her cheeks.

( Name ) looked to her left ( or right ) and saw slaves in a cage. Her eyes widened, ' Slaves?! ' " Hey, Mister, what are those? " Aladdin asked pointing to exactly where ( Name )'s eyes where looking at. " Oh, Those are slaves, we're transporting them to Qishan. " Budel said taking another bite out of another apple. Aladdin's eye's widened a bit as he saw a red-headed girl " Mister Alibaba, Look! it's that girl.. " He whispered a little. Alibaba side glanced at the slave cage. " Ah. " He said simply.

Aladdin turned his head to ( Name ) " Ne, ( Name )! " He said suddenly touching ( Name )'s chest, groping them a little " EEK! " ( Name ) shouted blushing scarlet red, swatting Aladdin's hands away. Y..You..Pervert!! " She shouted at him. " Hm, flat.. Ne, ( Name ), are you a guy? " " OF COURSE NOT, I'M PURELY A LADY, YOU BAKA! " ( Name ) exclaimed, puffing her now red cheeks " A girl? Are you sure? You seem like a gu-- " Before the clueless Aladdin could finish he got karate chopped on the forehead " Owie...! " He rubbed his forehead. " Pipe down, you squealing br- ARGH! " Budel was cut off as the cart flung up in the air " A Desert Hyacinth! Why now of all times?! " He screeched. " AHH " ( Name ) said flying in the air.

Haii, new chapter! Sorry for le suck-y-ness! Extreme suck-y ness ;-;
But I tried! :3 I'm sorry that the romance is a little slow! ;-;
And next chapter, ENTER JUDAL-CHAN!

Ayyy! Remember that all feed back and support is much appreciated! Thank you again!

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