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Hi guys it's Starina or Star and I'm just gonna say that I'm not going to update that often because of school and stuff like that. I'm sorry if your mad or if you think these stories are horrible but I'm not getting any ideas but I don't think you readers will like it but I'm thinking of making a new book called 'Story/Song ' thing thing. It's where I will write a little story with a song to match up with it. I know I know, you guys might be like "Star! This is really bad" or "these stories are horrible" and " not another book! These are bad!" Well I'm sorry if your one of those people but the people who like these stories then I guess that's good. I'm also really miserable cause one of my 'bffs', SolarDoesCoolThings is not texting me or anything. Yes she is posting stuff on Instagram but she is not responding to anything I send her. I don't know if she is mad at me or something but I hope she is ok. Solar if your reading this then I hope you are not mad at me and you are ok. Bye~

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