Kaminari's Story

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¤Kaminari's POV¤
As Kaneki hugged me, a man approached us. He looked to be in his mid to late 60's. "Hello Kaminari. I am Yoshimura. I am the manager here at the cafe. Do you have a place to stay?" I pulled away from Kaneki and looked at Yoshimura. I sniffed the air, then looked down.

"N-No sir...I've been living on the streets for a while now..." Kaneki laid a hand on my shoulder and I sighed. Yoshimura smiled softly and nodded. "I see. Come, I may have a spare room upstairs. Touka, Hinami, please come with me as well." The purple haired girl and a young girl followed me and Yoshimura. I smiled to myself. 'Maybe these Ghouls aren't bad after all...'

¤Kaneki's POV¤
I watched Kaminari follow Touka, Hinami, and the Manager upstairs to the rooms. I sighed and began to collect cups and plates. "Hey Kaneki..." I looked at Nishiki. "Is...she really your sister?" I stared at the small cup in my hand. "Yes." Kaya walked up beside Nishiki. "Why did you freak when she came in?" I looked down. "I...I watched her die when we were little...I guess she really wasn't." Nishiki sat down, along with Kaya. "Can you tell us her story?" He asked softly. I nodded and sat down as well.

"When me and Kaminari were young, we lived with only our mother. Our mother was an amazing woman. Always finding time to work and take care of us." I smiled at the thought of my mother. "When me and Kaminari were...about seven, we had ventured into a part of the town our mother didn't like...

"We were playing in a part of a town our mother didn't really like. Kaminari thought it would be a good idea to play on the hanging bar that was in an abandoned building. Being the fearless one she was, Kaminari went first."

I already felt tears in my eyes, remembering. "I watched her fall...I tried catching her but...I wasn't fast enough...I watched her be impaled on the pole below her. I quickly ran home to our mother, sobbing and telling her everything. She didn't seem upset about us playing in the abandoned part of town...

"Our mother fell into a depression, but quickly recovered. A few days later she worked a lot more than usual since my aunt was mooching money off her. And...one day, when I came in from school...I found her on the ground. Lifeless. I always thought people exaggerated when they said you could work yourself to death..."

I sighed as I finished the story. Nishiki and Kaya had sad and pitiful looks on their faces. I smiled a little. "It's alright, guys. That was a few years ago." The two stood. "Well, we better be getting back to work." I said, standing as well. Nishiki patted my back while Kaya laid a hand on my shoulder. I smiled at her.

"That must've been hard...but hey, at least Kaminari is back." Kaya smiled. I nodded, smiling again. "Yeah..."

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