Chapter Ten - We Need Your Help

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( Josh's POV )

"Vik!" I banged on his flat door begging for an answer, I was crying and sweating in fear.

His footsteps were becoming clearer as he got closer to the door, I carried on banging wanting him too know it was serious.

"What?" He answered the door without a care in the world.

"You need to take me too the hospital, Cal and Lottie are in big trouble." I cried, my face was bright red from crying I couldn't stop I found it impossible.

Vik's face dropped, his hands scrambled through the many keys he hand on the side cabinet too find the right keys for his car.

"Come on!" I panicked as he locked up, I sprinted down the stairs too get too the car as soon as possible.
My heart was pounding in my chest. I never knew my heart could hurt so much.

The drive too the hospital was painfully slow, I wanted too know they were alright I was like the Dad in this group.

Vik stopped the car outside of the hospital, my feet took me as fast as I could through the doors of the hospital.

"Er, er, I was called and I - I need to know why I'm here?" After a while I finally finished ranting too the lady, not being able too release my words.

"Mr. Zerker?" She questioned, my head nodded vigorously. "Follow me, please." She led me down the hall too a bunch of rooms, side by side. "What you might see may be heart breaking but we need you too identify these two people."

She showed me Cal, there was a lump in my throat. My hand covered my mouth seeing him in such a state, his face was plastered in cuts there was blood dripping down the side of his face. He was hooked up too every cord going, the sight of him seeing like that is painful.

"His name is Callum, Callum Freezy." My stutter was apparent. The lady placed her hand on my back for comfort.

"He was in a car with a young lady, would you know who she is without me showing you?" She asked shutting the curtain off so I could no longer see Cal.

"That - that, that, would be Lottie James." I gulp knowing that they went out.

"Take a seat in the waiting room, a nurse will come out soon too fill you in on everything." She smiled.

I couldn't possibly return the smile, I was shaking like crazy - I sat myself next too Vik who was also crying like the protective friend he was too both of them. The both of us nodded at each other as we cried, Vik put his arm around me as a brotherly thing.

My eyes were fixated on the tiles on the floor, they were black and white. My breathing was heavy as I thought about the many things that could have possibly gone wrong too get them both in this position.

We've been sitting here for around half an hour now, still many thoughts running through my head.

This is the second car crash Lottie has been involved in, she gets her self into some situations.

"Mr. Zerker?" A familiar women called. It was the receptionist, I left Vik seated by himself. My feet took me too the front desk.

"Hi." I bluntly said wanting too know the information, I was hoping she was about too fill me in on.

"Your two friends were involved in a serious car accident, the crash was very nearly fatal and it still could be if we don't give them both the right treatment. Callum, has suffered from bad spine injuries which may effect him for the rest of his life as for Lottie, she may not make it. We have too tell you this information honestly, we are very sorry that this may be the situation."

The information hit me like a brick, the tears started too stream down my face - the lady handed me a box of tissues.

"I don't want tissues!" I scream, footsteps came from behind me clearly being Vik. "I want them too be okay! It's easy for you too sit behind a desk and dish out the information that is killing me, but too you they'll always be just two patients who have been in a fatal accident and have sadly passed away! Then too hand me a box of tissues thinking that's gonna make me feel better." I shouted, crying my face was bright red.

"Sir, I'm going have too ask you too leave." The lady stood up as she lifted her arm as her fingers pointed to the door.

"No!" I exclaimed clinging on to the front desk.

"Josh, come on." Vik sniffed. His hands clung too my arms pulling me away, as the tears carried on rolling down my face. My eyes diverted too looking at the patients waiting in the waiting room, they all stared as if I was crazy.

My head told me too give in but my heart told me too leave and stop disturbing these patients seeming as they were most probably in the same boat as me.

"Sorry." I muttered hanging my head in shame, my feet took me outside. I seated myself on the bench which was directly outside of the door.

"We should tell them." Vik coughed.

Whose them?

My eyebrows furrowed, confused. "Simon and Bekah, at the end of the day they were once their friends." He told me trying to be reasonable. I felt a lump form in my throat.

"Whose speaking?" I asked pulling out my phone.


( Rebekah's POV )

My family, Simon and I were all seated at the table. Something didn't feel right. The fact that the tall, skinny ginger was not sitting at the table instead a tall, skinny blond was.

In ways I wanted Cal back but I couldn't have him but he has the evil bitch now, I can't believe she would take him from me - ha, then again I did have Simon's baby.

My phone began too buzz from my pocket, I slid it out of my jean pocket and read the number from under the table.

"Sorry, I need too take this." I excused myself from the table. I got a couple of nods, I didn't have a nod from my uncle who was down for a couple of weeks.

"Hello?" I answered in the hallway.

"Hey Bekah, it's Josh before you hang up we have something important too tell you." He sniffled as if he was crying.

"What?" I answered rudely, i didn't intend for it too come out that way.

"Callum and Lottie are in hospital, the accident is possibly fatal." My heart dropped when I heard that fall out of his mouth.

"Fatal?" I chocked.

"Fatal, yes. We need everyone too be strong but we also need your help, Alex makes Cal strong." Josh explained crying clearly.

"You want me too being Alex?" I asked.

"We don't want, we need you too. You know how much that little girl means too him, even now." Vik also contributed in the conversation.

"Yeah I can be there before the end of tonight, I guess?" I panic looking at the time.

"That would be great, we're at our local hospital see you soon." With that they hung up, my heart started too pound as the tears came down my face.

Footsteps came through into the hallway as I fell onto the floor at the thought of the both of them passing away.

"Babe, what's happened?" Simon came down too my level as I looked up at him. He pulled my head too my chest as I carried on whimpering.

"Lottie and Callum, they were in a accident and it could be fatal. You, Alex and I need too be in London by the end of tonight, Si." I pulled myself up crying. Simon started too shake, as he realised the seriousness of the situation.

"They can't go." Simon bellowed, I squeezed his hand as we both broke down into tears.

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