Chapter Twenty - The Plan

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( Josh's POV )

"You sure you understand the plan?" Simon kept asking me as we parked in front of the flats. I sighed knowing this will either go horribly wrong, or amazing - in all fairness I didn't really want to be doing this.

"I've told you a thousand times I've got it." I snapped. I closed my eyes tightly knowing I shouldn't have snapped but I'm just as nervous as the rest. We didn't have technical equipment so I just had to try and stay on the phone to Lottie the whole time.

"Okay man, your up." JJ patted me on the shoulder, I took a deep breath in. My hand pushed the car door open, I left the others in the car as my feet took my towards the entrance.

I sprinted up the flights of stairs. Maddie was standing outside the door, waiting for me to come up - she showed me the room then hid back in her apartment.
This is it, here goes nothing. My finger pressed the buzzer.

The door slowly opened as a brunette peered her head around the corner. "Josh?" She squinted, greeting me as if she knew me. In which, she did not.

"Charlie." I pulled a fake smile. I stared at her for a little taking in her appearance, nothing special. Very dull. Brown hair was straight and lifeless, pale skin... There wasn't much to say about her yet how can she be so evil.

"Come in." She bit her lip clearly trying to be seductive. I smirked trying to play along but I couldn't do it - it was hard but I had to try.

"So, I thought I'd come round I've been having some problems with the guys and you know a couple of the girls, needed someone to talk to..." I placed my hand on her knee with confidence knowing I was in complete control.

"You can tell me anything." She moves closer too me biting her lip again, it was becoming a little repetitive.

"See the thing is Ethan he kept talking about you, and I feel bad for everything that happened and telling you too fuck off that night - I didn't want you too go, I had to play along to keep my friends but I couldn't help but be attracted to you." I decided to bite my lip this time.

"Really, you find me attractive?" She started stroking my thighs moving very close to a place I wasn't so sure on her touching.

"Yeah." I simply stated as I tangled my fingers through her hair, it was knotty, that made things less simple.

"We could you know meet up, and not have to tell anyone..." She raised her eyebrows.

"Sounds like a plan." I agreed. She crawled on top of me, she was now straddling me. I tried my best not to be awkward. She started kissing at my neck, this isn't what I wanted. I pushed her off me gently. "Slowly." I smiled.

"I get that." She blushes embarrassed. I nod, not knowing what to do now. The plan only went to here, in all honesty we didn't think it would last this long. "Have you told your friends about this?" She asked innocently.

"No, they can't know." I strictly said not wanting to get this out to public or my subscribers.


(Rebekah's PoV)

We were sitting in the flat the majority of us pacing the floors. My eyes caught Freezy's. I tried to look away but there was something about his eyes I've always been drawn too.

"Yes?" He commented - slightly embarrassing me.

"What?" I snapped back. Poor Tobi looked up at us, it was as if he was our child and we were an old married couple.

"Nothing for some reason you're drawn to staring at me." He laughed. This wasn't a genuine laugh, this was the type of laugh that was used to piss me off or make me feel like shit - either way he won.

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