Dak groaned from inside his study, hearing his brother outside in the hallway. "Go away, Anakin." He continued scrolling through cartel reports, trying to find something - anything - to get his mind of her. A few moments later, footsteps sounded just outside his door. "Okay, what did I do? Or did you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Anakin asked, sounding confused at the grumpy tone of his companion. "Why don't you go ask that Slug of a Father of yours?" Dak pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to keep his cool.

"Whoa, Dak... What is it? What did Dad do now?" Anakin asked, leaning over the desk his expression concerned. "There was a mix up. Alice was never a slave girl, she was a spice miner for Ziro. She was supposed to be transferred to Kessel but instead she was sent here." Dak stood up, leaning forward as he looked at his brother. "He took her from me; he ordered Alice away and I couldn't stop him... I put her to sleep with the force and sent her off unconscious... Damn him!" It took a moment for everything to connect for the crime lord when his face darkened. "Of all the things he could do..." He trailed off, running a hand down his face. "I'm so sorry Dak." The gangster slumped back down into his chair, reaching into one of the bottom drawers. "All I have left of her is Fluff..." Dak hugged the plush animal to his chest.

"I miss my Bunny..."

It hurt Anakin to see his brother so broken over this. He moved around the desk, putting his hand on Dak's shoulder. "You need to get your mind off this... Hey, I have an idea." He thought about it for a moment. "You let me kill a Hutt?" He groaned, trying to keep calm for his brother's same. "What is it, Anakin?"

"No murdering, for now at least... You come with us to Naboo." He explained, brushing off Dak's first comment. "And if I say no?"

"Then I drag your sorry ass onto my ship anyways. The only difference is in one scenario, Hayden and Luke get to play Rancor herders with you the entire trip." Anakin said with a smile as he thought of his boys. Dak felt himself smirk slightly, imagining his favorite nephews. "I don't know, Anakin. I'm not in a good headspace right now. I don't wanna be a down the whole trip..."

"Hey, you'll be with MY kids, remember? It is virtually impossible to be miserable the entire time." Anakin prodded, knowing he needed to get Dak out of his self imposed solitude. "Fine. Let me go grab some stuff from my room and I'll meet you outside, alright?"


A few hours later, the entire Skywalker family plus Dak was on board Anakin's personal cruiser, the Twilight, which was headed to Naboo. Luke and Hayden were in the lounge playing on the floor with their speeders. Padme was putting Ani junior down for a nap and Anakin was piloting the ship. This left little Leia rather left out for the moment. Her soft brown eyes finally located her Uncle sitting by himself in a corner so she toddled over to him and put one of her little hands on his knee. "Uncle Dak?" He turned his head, smiling softly at the sound of her voice. "Yes Princess?" He cupped her cheek, giving her his full undivided attention.

"Why you all by yourself? Are you in time out?" She asked; even she noticed how Dak had brushed off both her mother and her father before. "No, I'm not in time out." He chuckled as he pulled her up to sit on his lap. "I'm just... Watching the stars go by." The little girl sighed and leaned back against his chest, looking out the small window next to them. "They're pretty Uncle Dak." She told him, putting her finger in her mouth as she nestled against him. "Yes, they're very pretty..." He ran a hand over her back. "Somewhere out there, there's a handsome prince waiting for you." She gave him a toothy grin and sat up again. "Really?"

"Yes, Princess." He hugged her to his chest, missing how it felt when Bunny would snuggle with him. "Uncle Dak? Does everyone have a someone somewhere?" Leia asked next; she was an inquisitve little girl, that was for sure. He thought about it for a moment, his thoughts becoming slightly less optimistic. "Unfortunately, not everyone does. That being said, almost everyone has someone to care about, to love..."

"Thats good." She answered, before turning up her nose at a thought. "I wonder if Lukey loves anybody." She commented aloud, seeming to be rather disgusted. "Now, why do you sound so bitter?" He wasn't going to let that one slip by, wondering why it seemed to upset her. "He my brother, I don't wanna share him!" She pouted, crossing her little arms and looking out the window. "Leia..." He chided, running a hand up and down her arm. "He's got someone out there too; someday, you'll both have to share each other with your prince and his princess. Lucky for you though, that day won't come for a long time..." He smirked, beginning to tickle her sides. "Lucky for me, I don't have to share all of you children with anyone!"

She started laughing and attempted to escape from his clutches but Dak's hold was firm. Soon enough, she was shrieking with laughter as he tickled her. "What's going on in here?"

Padme looked at them with a big smirk on her face, leaning against the doorframe. "Mama! Help!" Leia shrieked through fits of laughter. Somehow she was practically upside down, her small legs now trying to kick Dak in the face to get away. He stopped his assault, letting his niece down from his lap. "That's enough for now, Little One. I'll get you again, sooner than you think..."

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