Chapter six-Jezleen

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Hello people, I know I usually update the same day as Immortal, but I was delayed by a writer's block and pure lazyness. Without futher ado, here is the next chapter,



I introduced her to Autumn, and soon she left for the bathroom; leaving me alone. I started walking along, pondering over what she said. And what happened.

“Well, the girl I saw appeared right when I took the pill, but maybe I saw them before, I mean, I don’t remember my past.”

I started to talk to Autumn, when Audri’s eyes flashed grayish blue and she looked at me funny. She can tee me all. Autumn’s hands moved frantically. She moved her hands slower. She can’t see me all of a sudden. She paused ,In fact, I don’t think she remembers me.

A scream filled the air, causing me to stop pondering over the past moments, and I ran to the washroom. Once inside, I saw Audri staring horrified at the mirror.

“My- my- my eyes.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Their white! Oh God! I’m a freak!”

I was confused. This girl continued to astonish me; perhaps I was wrong and right, maybe she is crazy and can see ghosts.

“They’ve always been white.”

“No! Something is very, very wrong with them. Only freaks have eyes like this! I don’t want to be a freak!”

I turned on my heel and marched out. So she was like the others, only caring about looks. Like the others, she would probably start ignoring me for my extra dose of freakiness eyes and style. I started half-running to my room, and sat down on my bed with a plumph. I clutched my chest; rejection has not stung so much before. Maybe… Maybe it hurt more because I thought there was a chance… a chance that she wouldn’t turn out like the others… a chance to….

I sighed and conjured a gorgeous face in my mind, summoning Autumn. She appeared almost immediately, and sat next to me with concerned eyes.

Are you alright? Do you need my help?

“I just wanted to see a friendly face.”

She smiled sadly at me, You are depressed. You thought she might be a friend. And she proved you wrong.

“Why is everyone so biased on looks?”

Jezleen, you are unique, don’t let them affect you.

“It’s too late, they’ve already convinced me I was a freak.”

We sat there in silence, just two friends taking comfort in each other’s presences. I couldn’t do this with no one else; Autumn was like a sister. A timid knock at my door interrupted our moment of comfort. “What?” I growled as Autumn faded back to wherever. Audri came in hesitantly.

“I’m sorry. I know how much the eye thing bugs you.”

“Why should I care about what you think, you’re just another look-obsessed person in this mental asylum.”

She came over and smiled timidly. “Hey, why am I complaining? You’re the freak here if you don’t even care what your friends say about you! You have, like, a super-hard-to-break-heart!”

I didn’t even respond. I just stared wide-eyed at her. She looked at me for a moment. “Jezleen?”

I smiled widely, probably creeping the hell outta her. My cheeks felt weird, I don’t really smile much. “So we’re friends?” I asked, sounding like a kindergartener.

“Ya, for sure!”

 “Liar.” I sneered.

“Oh come on, don’t be like that Jezleen! I’ll get you lunch.”

“Lunch is free.”

“Whatever, just come on Jez!” She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the cafeteria, where she pushed me into a seat and went to the cafeteria lady, soon returning with two sandwiches. “Bologna and cheese or jam?” I took the jam, and we ate.

“You know,” I began, hesitantly. “You’re not a freak.”

“But my eyes are, well, freaky.”

“Ha! If you looked at most peoples eyes, we’d all be freaks! I’m a freak, you’re a freak ...”  My sentence trailed off as Scarlet sat in front of us. I stood up with a glare, I wasn’t in the mood to be picked on at the moment. I walked away to avoid a fight, bringing Audri with me. “She’s a freak. Except, she’s one you should avoid. But we’re all freaks here.”

As the day continued, we bonded slightly, our fight forgotten. As I laid my head on my pillow, a small smile crossed my face. I think I’m making a friend….


Shaking. Everything around me shook and crumbled, becoming mere dust, leaving me alone in the world….

I woke with a gasp, and panicked slightly when I realized everything was still shaking. I turned my head and saw it was only Autumn, shaking me awake. They are gone, she said.

“Gone? Who?”

The nurses, the doctors, they do not patrol the halls.

“Where are they?”

I do not know, I did not have time to search everywhere.

I got out of bed quietly, peeking into the hall. As said, no one was there. I went out, darting into the shadows, and started walking.

Jezleen!” A loud whisper came to my ears and I froze, turning slowly. Audri came running up to me. “Where we going?”

“Exploring, but be quiet.”

We patrolled the halls, Autumn always ahead of us, and her words were proven true. I had to know where they went…

Autumn appeared before me. There is someone in the library.

I approached slowly, looking in. Sure enough, someone was there; Scarlet. This is going to be interesting…

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