Chapter 1

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He could feel the heat from all of the bodies hitting against him as they jumped to the pulsing beat.

The lead guitarist jumped onto one of the amps near the front of the stage filled with strobe lights and miscellaneous items audience members had thrown.

The thumping of the bass surrounded them as the bass player and lead guitarist played back to back.

Everyone around Louis was screaming and holding signs some

decorated in lights most likely dug up from the basement in boxes marked Christmas.

But, he didn't feel that bringing a sign just to hold up throughout a concert was necessary so he brought himself and that was about it.

The tickets for this concert had been a birthday present from his mum.

The Script was one of his all-time favorite bands, so to see them in concert was one of the most exciting events of the year.

It had now been almost nine months since the surprise party that his best friend, Stan, had thrown for him.

It was obviously last minute with the few decorations laid sparsely around the room, but he was used to it because Stan had always been a procrastinator.

It was still nice to see his family and friends waiting for him inside his living room when he was just expecting a quiet night at home.

Louis had to face it, he had always been one for parties; he just never really got around to throwing them all but once or twice a year.

His day of birth was shared with Christmas Eve, so he never did get many presents because of it being so close to Christmas.

The tickets for The Script were so unexpected that he actually jumped up and hugged his mum right there in front of everyone along with the occasional shout of "Thank you!" escaping his lips.

She had told him that the tickets were all Stan's idea which Louis could already tell by the way that Stan was practically beaming at Louis.

So here they are now, at The Script concert, Stan next to Louis in the large crowd.

The lead singer stalked up to front of the stage, microphone in hand and belted out "What am I supposed to do if the best part of being in love is you? And what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're okay?"

He was singing Breakeven.

This wasn't his favorite song, but he did really like it so he began singing along.

"I'm falling to pieces; yeah I'm falling to pieces."

The rest of the song went on like that and when it had ended, the crowd went crazy.

Everyone started screaming and jumping all over the place.

The next few songs Louis knew but didn't like as much as Breakeven.

But, one of the songs he did particularly like more than others was Before the Worst, which was one of the singles on the album.

A majority of the crowd was very energetic about that one, some even knocking into Louis and one causing him to fall over onto Stan who didn't look very pleased with whoever pushed him.

Stan had always been that way; very protective over Louis.

He thinks it's because he was the first real friend that he ever had because Stan had always been bullied because he was gay.

Louis was also was bullied over being gay, so that is where the two boys bonded the most.

Because of the similar situations, Louis and Stan soon became like brothers.

They were always together; attached at the hip some would say.

Sometimes though, Louis thought Stan's love for Louis wasn't as platonic as thought before.

But for the most part, Louis ignored it, convincing himself that it was nothing more than brotherly love.

Now, Stan looked very angry at the man who pushed Louis, but he had convinced Stan that it really was nothing and he wasn't hurt so what did it matter?

Stan let it go but he kept his guard up just in case.

Suddenly, the chords of Louis' absolute favorite song rung through the air and Louis happened to be fiddling with his phone so he didn't notice, but as soon as the lyrics began, he shoved his phone back in his pocket and sang along for a minute.

"Going back to the corner where I first saw you, gonna camp in my sleeping bag I'm not gonna move."

Louis then turned to Stan to share his excitement but his eyes caught a pair of eyes on him suddenly.

When they made eye contact, Louis saw the emerald green of the eyes staring back at him.

It was as if all time stopped at that moment.

All he saw were those green eyes, but somebody bumped into him and caught him off guard a bit.

When he looked back, the eyes were still staring at him but he could see concern laced through them.

He took that moment to take a look at the face connected to those eyes.

Louis' own blue eyes traveled from one side of this boy's face to the other.

He had brown curly hair and milky white skin.

Before he could have another look at this beautiful boy, Stan had a worried look on his face and asked if anything was wrong.

Louis responded with "Oh, no everything's great Stan!" and turned away with a smile.

Louis tried to catch the green-eyed boy's attention again, but he was lost in the crowd never to be seen again.

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