chapter 17

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chapter 17

Dylan was at my house early the next morning. I woke up when i heard the banging on the door. I rolled out of bed and walked down the stairs. When I opened the door, Dylan pulled me into a death grip of a hug.
"What happened to you last night? I was worried sick." He exclaims. I yawn and mumble "Good morning to you too."
"Andy." He says sternly. I look at him and see the panic in his eyes. I take a deep breath.
"I'm sorry. Something came up. It kind of upsetted me. I didn't mean to scare you." I say.
"Well what was it? You can tell me anything." I know I can tell him anything. But not this. Not that I am thinking about running away with my mom. I thought about it all night. Trying to tell myself that it is a bad idea. But I couldn't. All i could think about was me and my mom walking down the streets in Paris. Dylan must have noticed the distress on my face because he pulls me into another hug. "tell me when you are ready." he says into my hair.
"you're the best" i mumble into his shirt.

He pulls me away and looks at me.
"So we have a lot of work to do tonight. I know that you are set for college but i will be lucky if i get into the community college. So i would really appreciate it if you could lend your assistance in editing my paper?" he asks. i look at him. It's 7 in the morning. i'm still in my pjs.
"All right. just give me an hour to shower and get dressed. My mom should be stopping by to bead Samantha's wedding dress in about 30 minutes so if you could let her in when she gets here. Ok. be back in a few. your welcome to breakfast in the fridge." and i turn away and run up the steps to my bed and bath room. i hop in the shower, taking my sweet time. I think i will tell Dylan about Paris... maybe i could get him to consider coming with me... no. his life is here. His hockey scholarship is here. i couldn't do that to him. He has to stay here so if i am going to go i have to go by myself. I have to make this choice. I step out of the shower and check my phone. A message from my mom.

MOM: i hope you thought about moving to Paris with me. I decided i will be leaving the day after your father's wedding. If you decided to stay then i will be back for your graduation. but i hope that i don't have to leave alone. I love you.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down before i continue to get ready. After about 30 more minutes of getting ready i am set to go. I grab my purse and run down the stairs to see my mom and Dylan talking, Dylan's back to the staircase.
"OK. Let's go edit some scholarship papers!" i exclaim. Dylan just stands up slowly, and turns to face me. his jaw clenched, muscles tight, eyes angry.
"are you ok---" i ask.

"Paris? Really, Andy?"
i look from him to my mom then back at him.
"I hope you enjoy the city of love alone." and he marches out. i stand there dumbfounded. what just happened?

"What did you say?" i ask my mom. she stands up and walks up to me.
"I just told him about my offer. Why didn't you?"
"I didn't because i was seriously considering going and i didn't want him to know about it. Look what you did! I think he just broke up with me!" i push past her and run out the door but Dylan is already gone. I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone. I call his number but am sent straight to voicemail.

tears begin to form in my eyes. I can't believe this is happening. I grab my keys off the table and run to my car. I should call Denise to drive me but he wouldn't get here in time. i back out of my drive way and speed off onto the street. I can't let this go. I can't let him go. I was stupid for considering Paris. So stupid. I don't want to be in paris if it's not with him. I keep calling him from the car, scanning the streets for is car. I think i'm going over the speed limit but i can't really tell. So much going on in my mind. I'm sent to voicemail.
"Dylan. Please I'm not going to Paris," the light turns green, "I can't just walk away. I can't leave you," i accelerate, "I can't leave you because i am deeply in love with---"


Dylans Point Of View

I sit alone in the empty hockey arena. I can't believe she would leave me just like that. I thought she loved me. I know I love her. Paris. To be with her mom. I know she wants to be with her mom more than anything. I would do anything to be with my dad. I sigh and decide to check my phone. 16 voicemails from Andy. I decide to listen to the last one.
"Dylan. Please I'm not going to Paris. I can't just walk away. I can't leave you. I can't leave you because I am deeply in love with---" the voicemail cuts off and just static is on the other end. I stare at my phone confused. What is up with cheap piece of plastic? i ask myself about my phone. Thats when Andy's picture shows up on my screen again. I pick up. I love her and know she loves me and know that i should hear her out.
"Hey Andy. listen i'm sorry---"

"Dylan Maine?" asks a deep male voice on the other end.

"uh... yes. who is this and why do you have my girlfriends phone?" i ask sternly.
"My name is Officer Marks. I'm sorry to tell you that your girlfriend Andy was in a collision accident. She was pulled from the ruins and is on her way to the hospital. I'm sorry. Would you like me to send someone to escort you to the hospital?" the phone falls from my hands and smashes against the ice. Andy. Oh Andy. I ran out the door. I left my keys in the building but I don't care. I continue to run. I run down the street, cut people off in traffic. i have to get there. i have to get there now. The hospital comes into view and i sprint in, dodging nurses and patients. I stop at the front counter and turn to the nurse "Andy, where is she?" she looks fumbled looking through her papers. I look around, hoping to find someone i know that would be here.

"That is my daughter! If she dies so do you!" shouts Andy's father down the hall.

"Mr. Parker!' i shout as i run over to him. He looks up at me with a tear stained face.
"Where is she?" i ask frantically. he puts his hands in his pocket and sighs.
"Surgery. She won't be out for another 7 hours.It's not good, Dylan. It's not good." I don't know what happened. Something in me snapped as my knees hit the floor and tears stream down my face like a waterfall. I try to hold in my sobs but it doesn't work. That's when I feel Mr Park put a hand on my shoulder and gets down to my level. i look him in the eyes and he says "She loves you. thank you for being here." And that's when he loses it. so we sat there, me and Mr Parker sobbing for the girl who owns our hearts.

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