Chapter 3

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Denise drops me off and for a second I thought I was in Harry Potter because I could have sworn I was standing in front of the Hogwarts castle. A lady walked towards me wearing a pants suit that looked to me fit about 3 years ago. "you must be Andy Parker. I'm headmistress McKay." she says with a fake smile and a forced sweet voice.

"nice to meet you headmistress. Oh!" I turn around the side of my backpack pocket and pull of an envelope and hand it to her. She opens it and counts the bribe.

She gives me a smile wether it's fake or not I cannot tell. "come on in an I'll give you your schedule."

I follow her through the big wooden doors and around the marble hall with perfect red lockers. "this indeed was a castle before a school." she says reading my mind. "wow." is all I could say as I looked at the spiral marble staircase. she leads me to her office and tells me to sit. She goes over my schedule, the dress code, which I apparently violate for having a logo on my shirt. She let it go for today but next time it would be a detention. She talks to me for 30 minutes before she walks me out of her office and to my first period class. Chemistry. She opens the door and says "class, this is our newest student, Andy Parker. I expect her to be welcomed and cared for." and with that, Mrs. McKay leaves me with the group of strangers. "Welcome, Andy. My name is Professor Mason. Welcome to Chemistry. You can take a seat where ever you like." says a man who to me looks like Albert Einstines twin brother. I give a slight nod and walk to the back of the class. I quickly sit down and pull out a pen and paper. "pss," I look over at the kid next to me. He was cute but really short. Am I that shallow that looks are already coming in the way of my story? "put that away." he says looking up over his glasses. "why?" I whisper back. "paper plus burners equal fire." He says like it was the most obvious thing in the world. It is of course but how was I suppose to know we were doing a lab today? I just got here! I slowly slip my note book back into my backpack. "can anyone tell me the symbol for the element Arsenic?" asks Professor Mason. No one raised their hand so I slowly slipped mine up in the air. "AS." I say "that's correct, well done Andy." everyone glares at me. "don't say anything in this class." whispers the kid next to me again. "why?" I ask getting irritated. "this is Dylan Mains favorite class. He answers the questions. "

"oh yeah? Well where is this Dylan Main?" I ask. Just as the question escapes my lips and boy with short dark brown hair, and blue eyes walks into the room. A hockey bag at his side. "Dylan, so glad you could join us. You know the rules, put a dollar in the late jar." He puts his stuff down and pulls out his wallet. I see him look through it, not finding anything. "can I talk to you after class about that?" he asks the professor. "I left my allowance at home."

"I guess we could work something out." says professor Mason.

Dylan picks up his hockey bag and walks to the back of the classroom, sitting right in front of me. "you know, logo t-shirts are against the rules," he says to me. I feel my cheeks get warm. "thanks." I snap. "now what is the symbol of the element Titanium?"

Both Dylan and I raise our hands at the same time. "mr. Main."


"correct! How about Tungsten?"

I didn't even raise my hand before I blurted out the symbol.

"W" Dylan turns around to look at me. He looked shocked. But I just smirked and leaned back in my seat. "not bad, new kid. But I bet you don't know the symbol to Sodium?"

I lean up and get in his face. "NA." the class looks shocked. A couple of Oo's echo in the room.

"what about you Mr. main? Do you know the symbol to Radium?" I ask.

Now he get up in my face. "RA." and more Oo's echo even louder in the room. Before we knew it we were in a chemistry battle. The class got even crazier the more we went on. We covered the whole periodic table and then some before the bell rang, not even getting to the experiment. Everyone practically runs out of the room. "we only have two minutes to get to class." says the glasses kid.

"my names Coble, by the way," and he's gone before I could even say hi. I sling my backpack over my shoulder an am about to leave but before I do, I pull out two dollars and put it in the late jar. I was late too, and I felt bad for embarrassing him in his favorite class. I walk out not saying anything. I hear someone running behind me but I don't pay attention, I only have one minute to get to class now. That all said before I felt a huge bag hit me and knock me over. "ouch!" I say as I try to stand up. "sorry about that, I forgot I had this with me." says, guess who, Dylan. "how do memorize the entire periodic table yet you forget you are carrying a hockey bag?" I ask as I fling my backpack over my shoulder. "good point. I was just going to say thanks for the late jar thing."

"no problem." I say wanting this to be over. "I also wanted to say that I have that same shirt at home."

And that catches me off guard and my anger just disappears "really? The blue jackets are my team!" I exclaim.

"really? Me too! You know I've never met any girl who has showed the slightest interest in hockey."

"I know! People truly are insane."

He laughs and so do I. "so are you going to the game tonight?" I ask.

"I wish, sold out. Even the two dollar seats are booked."

Two dollar seats? I've never sat in those. I wonder where those are.

I was just about to ask him about those seats when the bell rings. "crap." I pull out another dollar and had it to him. "I'm made you late, sorry." and I run off as a smile creeps up on my lips. I think I found my inspiration.

Lunch was... Chaotic. I had no idea where the cafeteria was or even a vending machine. I wandered around the entire campus and just gave up, retreating to my locker. "lost?" I spin on my heels and I expected to see Dylan but it was just Coble.

"how could you tell?" I ask.

"because that's my locker," he says. I slowly back away from the locker I've been trying to get into for the last five minutes. "wheres the cafeteria?" I ask impatiently. "follow me, I'll show you." I follow Coble and he leads me to what I would normally call a ball room with a kitchen built off to the side. I grab a plate and walk around the line until I find something good. Pizza. That's always good. I step in side but someone taps on

My shoulder. "hey, kid, what are you doing?" kid? I'm a senior! "I'm getting pizza?" I say but it came out more of a question. "you cant just cut everybody off! Back of the line!" he yells at me. "excuse me? I only wanted a piece of pizza I don't think I'm doing that much harm--"

"hey, Danny. Chill. She's with me." I look behind me, again hoping to see Dylan but instead I saw a girl. "what ever, just get her out of here, Missy." she wrapped her arm around my neck and led me through the line until I came up to pay. "thanks back there."

"No problem newbie. Freshmen can be sooooo dramatic sometimes!" she leads me to a table, I sit on the bench she sits on the table. "the names Missy, by the way. What do creatures call you?" she asks as she files her nails and smacks her gum. "Andy...." I say. "Cool. So how long have you been attending prison?"

"a few hours." she looks down at me. "no one gets into this school half way through the year. How'd you get accepted?" she says dead serious. I hesitate to answer but something tells me this girl isn't going to care if I bribed my way in, infect I think she might actually think it to be cool.

"I bribed the headmistress." I say as I take a bite of my pizza. she jumped in her seat and gets in my face. "No way! That's insane! You're my new best friend!" I've never had a best friend before...

Denise picked me up at 3:15 just like he said he would. He asked me how everything went and I told him that nothing 'special' happened. Not yet anyway. He dropped me off at my office, but when I unlocked the door it wasn't my office. It was a girl version of my dads office. "dad?" I ask as I stand in the door way. My dad comes up behind me and puts his hands on my shoulders. "well? What do you think?" he asks, a smile plastered on his face. "it's amazing! I love it! But, what's it for?" I ask. "well, your officially a writer now. I thought you deserved a nice office." I walk over to the desk and sit in what I would call a Donald Trump chair. "this is great dad, but we better get going if we are going to catch the game tonight." I say getting up. "oh, Andy. I'm so sorry. I totally forgot. I cat take you tonight, since we started this new project, I've had a lot more work to do. You understand don't you?" I just nod and leave. I don't want to hear the whole excuse. Denise drives me home and I run up to my room an lay on my bed. I was disappointed. Again. I looked over at my laptop where the school website was up. That's when I got an idea. I ran over to my laptop and went to the student directory. I scrolled down the page until I found Dylan Main.

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