Chapter 4

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Denise and I pull up to Dylan's house a half hour before the game starts. I watch as he runs out of his house waving to a figure in the window. Denise comes around and opens the back door of the limo for him to get in. "thanks man," he says to denise before he slides in. His eyes go wide and his jaw drops. "wow." is all he could say. "yeah." was all I could say. "you know, I was kind of surprised when you invited me." he said messing with all the buttons.

"well I had an extra ticket and I made you late to class and the whole chemistry was the least I could do." I say.

"well thanks and I apologize for my behavior in class today. I was just kind of Surprised that some one actually knew more chemistry than me."

"cocky, aren't we?" I ask in a playful voice. "hey, I'm the best in honors chemistry for a reason." we both laugh as we pull up to the arena. "thanks Denise, pick us up at 10?" I say.

"school night miss Andy, your father wants you back by 10. I'll be here at 9:30." I roll my eyes knowing this has nothing to do with school but has everything to do with the fact that I'm with a boy. Over protective fathers are just really irritating. "thanks for the ride, sir." says Dylan as he does one of those guy waves. "anytime, mr. Main." and Denise drives off.

"mr main. Hmm. I think I like that." he says. We both walk into the arena laughing and he holds the door open for me. I check my watch. "5 minutes before the game starts, how about we get something to eat?"

"sure." I lead the way to my favorite food stand. When I come up to the counter everyone comes up to say hi. "Andy! How are you?" asks the manager Matthew. "pretty good, how about you mat?" I ask. "everything's good!" he says. "and you bring boy with you! good!" he says again and I could feel the blush coming on.

"mat, this is my friend Dylan. We go to school together."

"nice to met you young man."

"pleasure." Dylan says respectfully. "now what can I get you?"

"I'll have my usual,"

I turn to face Dylan." what do you want?" I ask. "uh.. Dr. Pepper and a pizza?" he says but it comes out more of a question. they hurry back to get our food and I just lean up against the counter like I normally do. "the usual? Do you come here a lot?" he asks as he leans up against the counter, next to me. "you could say that." I say sweetly. Before he could say anything else, our order is up. My usual, chocolate covered strawberries, a hard 10 cal dr pepper, and a slice of pineapple pizza. And Dylan's pizza and drink. I start to walk off but he grabs my hand. "don't we have to pay."

"nope. I get all the refreshments for free. When your godfather is the blue jackets coach, you can get anything you want. Even season tickets." we walk to our seats and sit down in the front row right next to the goal. "this is amazing! I've never sat in the front row before!" he exclaimed. I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of glad he didn't notice my last name engraved on the seat. That would have just been awkward. "so you come to a game every week?" he asks me. I pop open my pop and take a drink. I love the hard taste of the new Dr. Pepper. "yep," I say as I kick my feet up to the railing. "wow, that must be awesome,"

"speaking of awesome, I'm sure you are. On the hockey team I mean," trying to cover up my blush. This will make a great scene in my book, I could already see it. This is too easy. "I guess you could say that." he says Leaning back in his chair and kicking up his feet as well. "oh so your cocky in chemistry but modest in hockey?" I ask taking another sip of my drink. "you know, your drinking a Mans dr. Pepper." he says. "oh shut up," I say playfully think about how the commercials call it the manliest drink ever. "I also thought you would order a salad or something," he confesses.

"oh I see, because I'm a girl I'm supposed to eat and drink all the healthy girly stuff," I say.

"not because your a girl but because your... Never mind." he says. He smiles at me and I smile back. "no, tell me, what am I?" I ask. "well you know, your a rich, blonde, and ... Pretty, you know the typical daddy's princess."

"you watch to much tv."

"that is true," he adds "and trust me when I say I would prefer a big Mack over a salad." I say. he laughs and the game begins.

"what the heck was that!!" I shout at the goalie and bang the glass. I sit back down cussing under my breath. "wow, you really get into the game don't you?" he asks. "I guess." I say. He flashes his sparkling smile and goes back to watching the game. It's half time now so I look up at the jumbotron. I love watching everyone make a fool of them selves to get on it. I also love watching the couples give each other a kiss. I remember once when me and my dad got on the screen. I was five so he put me on his lap and kissed my forehead and I kissed him on the cheek, my princess lip gloss sticking to his face.

Dylan and I both stare at the screen and laugh at the kids standing on top of their chairs, dancing. we watch an old couple give each other a soft kiss, a big guy chug a beer and then the camera lands on us. It was cool seeing us on the screen but that was before the crowd started shouting "KISS! KISS!" we look at each other hoping the camera would just go away but it doesn't. So I shrug and kiss him on the cheek. I always pictured the guy making the first move, but what ever gets me a chapter in my book. Then unexpectedly he kisses me on my cheek. "awwws" uproar in the crowd. I blushing like crazy. He didn't have to, yet he did. We then both held up our dr pepper cans to the camera like people do during a victory. And what a victory it was.

We laugh and talk through out the entire game. the blue jackets won in over time and everyone went crazy. It was a blast! not to mention a great part for the book....

"that was insane! Thanks so much for inviting me!" says Dylan as we walk to the car. Denise is there just like he said he would be.

"did you see that pass? That was the highlight of my night! What about you?" so the highlight of his night was a pass? I guess I didn't make that big of an impact. I'll have to step this up a bit if I'm going to get anywhere with this guy. But before I could answer we are pulling up to his house which means it's time for him to go. "thanks again," and with that he slips out of the car, just like my perfect book moment.

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