Well here I am again..

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Ok as you all know I am back! *yay!* *whoot whoot!* so any who I am staying on for permanent I hope but just need to tell you guys something's...
I am going back to school soon (or when others read this I might already be in school) so that means I won't e on as much because this school gives 2 hours worth of homework to do..

I am quitting on the wings of fire fandom. I still have all of my knowledge and I am reading the books but Startaker and I have been through lots of horrible things and it's just hard, I keep them to myself because I am strong like that but just, the WoF fandom is possessed by a bunch of whinny baby's! They get so easily offended and I just can't handle that, so Startaker has turned into a breed of her own when no one else could follow, so she is safe now. The name Startaker is for grabs if you were wandering and just take it if you have to because there is no more Startaker the Nightwing Rainwing hybrid..

So there you all go and for all of your guys information I am not angry at any of the people who read this that have commented and stared in the past! K I am not saying names but if your wandering if it's you jut let me know...


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