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The first thought that came to Elizabeth's mind when she looked at the sea was that it was a place where people had died. Where people had drowned while their lungs filled with salt water. Where ships had sank, disappearing under the violent waves forever.

"Desiree!" She screamed, wincing from the loud crash of thunder. The rain pelted her body, soaking her damp wind blown curls.
Her body was shaking.
I'm going to die, she thought, I'm going to drown in the ocean and die.

She shoved her large boot into the wet sand, wiping the rain from her eyes. The night had come as quickly as the storm raging above her, and her throat was sore from screaming. She called out the name again, heating nothing but the thrashing waves in response.


Why did Desiree chose to go missing on a day when it stormed, on a day when the tides were this strong. Fear crept up her chest as she waded into the cold water.
She hated water. She hated rain. She hated Desiree for disappearing.

Elizabeth threw herself further into ocean, cursing.
Finally someone called back. It was a faint but piercing cry, loud enough for her to hear it over the wind.

She waded a bit further, the freezing water up to her waist.
There was the cry again, this time closer. She could see a faint dot in the distance, a person waving their arms.
She waved back, smiling.
Finally. Finally she could stop searching.

She wasn't going to die. Not in something as horrible as the ocean.
Definitely not like that.
The dot grew closer and she stayed put, making out a face through the down pour. Loads of curly red hair, wide green eyes, a tired smile - Desiree.

That's when it happened.
Her boot was ripped off.
Warm, wet fingers wrapped themselves around her her bare ankle. She screamed, forcing her head above the water.
The hand tugged her under again. She could see it, pale and slender.

Elizabeth waved her arms, "Desiree! Desiree, help!"

Water filled her lungs.

She was going to die.
She was, she was, she was.
And in the ocean!

The horrible ocean.
She tugged at the hand, her mind swarming.
Who would be out this late?
Who had a grip this strong?
Who could withstand this freezing water?
In an instant, the millions of stories from her child hood flashed in her mind.
She was going to be drowned by a Siren.
Piercing blue eyes stared at her through the murky water, the fear was unbearable.
She was drowning, drowning.

Something tight clamped hard around her ankle, and she screamed under water. The eyes never left her, as blue as her own veins. Then freezing hands tugged her up and all she could see were red curls.

"Elizabeth, Elizabeth why would you wade this far into the ocean? You can't even swim!"
She gasped, gripping onto her sister. Her body wouldn't stop shaking, her mind only screamed fear.

"S-Something had me, something had my leg! I-I was going to drown! A siren had me!"
Desiree had them to shore in seconds. She dropped her onto the wet sand.

"You're completely delusional. Why on Earth would mother send someone who couldn't swim to come get me?"

Elizabeth sat up, choking.
"You're acting like I had a choice! I shouldn't have had to come get you, where were you!"

Desiree stood, wringing out her soaked hair.
"I'm sixteen, I can go where ever I want!"

Elizabeth tried to stand. She winced from the pain in her ankle, wobbling and dripping wet.
"You most certainly can't go swimming, or whatever the hell was going on there...y-you got me attacked by a siren, I almost died!"

Desiree laughed, wringing out her dress. It was short, and clug to her body in a way that made everything a woman was supposed to keep covered quite visible, even with out the water. Elizabeth gawked at her for a moment, then tore her eyes away, keeping them pressed on her bare toes.

"No....no, you weren't swimming. You were out on the peir with Jackson!"

"You won't tell a soul."

Her sister seemed so sure of herself, so calm.
And it what because she knew that what she had said was true.

"You just watch me!"
No, Elizabeth would not tell. Even if her sister hadn't saved her life a few moments ago.
She just didn't have the gull.

"I risked my life just so you could go on a date!"

"Swimming was the only way I could meet Jackson at the pier without getting caught."
Still so completely calm. Desiree started to trail down the beach, her vibrant curls just visable in the moonlight. She stuck her arm out, gesturing for Elizabeth to follow.

 Elizabeth scoweld indignantly, staying where she was.

Desiree could walk home by herself.
The pain in her leg forced her to look at her wound, something she had been avoiding.

She sat down, cursing. She trailed her fingers down her leg. There was blood, she could see that much, but no actual wound.

She felt a bracelet.
It was gold with a small, blue transparent gem in it's middle.

Elizabeth remembered the tight thing she felt clamp around her leg. Fear devoured her again, and she glaced up at the ocean with wide eyes.
The siren had done this.
The thing that had tried to kill her had put this thing on her ankle.

She wanted no part of it, even if the blue gem matched the oceans exact color in the day.
Even if she couldn't stop starting
at it.
The thoughts dug them selves into her mind.

It was beautiful.
Breath taking.

She never wanted to take it off.
She loved....no, grimacing Elizabeth yanked the bracelet off, chucking it into the ocean.
She didn't want that thing!
It had gotten into her head, made her want to keep it on.
Made her think something other that her own thoughts.

This is what Siren's did.
She rubbed the now exposed welt the braclet had been hiding, grimacing.

They existed.
She had always heard stories about them, tales Desiree would spin to scare her on nights when neither of them could sleep.
Her heart still pounded in her chest, though she did not look away from the sea.

It was a place where people had died.

Hey, guys
Thanks for reading! I hope you liked the first chapter. Remember to vote, comment, and follow if you will.
Love ya lots <3

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