Part 9

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Continued in Ronnie's POV

Jake had gone off to see his favourite band member - Jacky. I swear it was so cute that those two were so close, especially since Jade was such a big part of my life and now Jake was - so it was good that he got on well with the band.

Jade and I had settled on a night of films and snuggling on the sofa with a takeaway. Even though it didn't seem like anything particularly different that usual, it was still special since we had never had any proper time to ourselves.

We finished watching one film so I went to get up to change to another, only to realise that Jade had fallen asleep on me even though it was only 9pm. I tried to wake her up but it was no use, so I simply carried her upstairs, tucked her into bed, and left her to sleep before going for a smoke. When I came back in I made myself a coffee before going upstairs to check on Jade...

She was sat up in bed, crying her eyes out. I was mortified, I would hate to think that something had upset her. She looked at me with a startled look in her eyes.

"Jade, what's wrong?" She said nothing at first, before cuddling into me as I sat down beside her.

"I need a massive favour from you. Jake's dad is wanting to go for custody, but I don't want him to." She continued to cry before pausing again. "I know this is weirdly soon and you probably won't want to but I need you to adopt Jake as your step-child so that his dad will have to through both of us - plus you'd be better at convincing him to drop the idea than I would."

I was stunned for a moment. Yes, I completely loved both Jake and Jade, but in all honesty I didn't know if I could adopt him and if I would be any use in a custody battle as I had a previous criminal conviction... But I knew I could at least try.

"Look, Jade, I don't know if it will help since I have a criminal record and may not even be able to adopt him... But I will see what I can do, and if you like I can go and meet his dad and try to talk to him about the situation. If he hasn't been there for him and contributed so far in his life then he doesn't deserve to have any involvement now."

Jade began to smile again, before looking at me with puppy dog eyes.. I knew what she was going to ask.

"Jade, if you want a cigarette they're on the bench downstairs. Go help yourself then come back up and we can continue watching stupid films up here."

With that, she vanished downstairs and I got comfortable under the duvet...


"RONNIE! GET UP!" I opened my eyes to see Jade jumping on me. I swear she had too much energy. "You're not supposed to nap." I rolled my eyes.

"You did before! Anyway, what else am I supposed to do whilst you're smoking?" She just pulled a stupid face at me. "I swear, you just get more annoying each day."

"Well that was rude." She pulled a stupid shocked face after speaking. "Anyway, I can be like one hundred times more annoying than that."

Before I knew it, she had decided that she was funny repeatedly licking my face. I swear she just got worse, I don't think I'd ever see a day she was even relatively normal... But I loved that about her. I thought it was awesome that she was unique, even if that did mean she was a little crazy.

"Jade, are you gonna stop licking my face or not?" She pretended to think about it.

"Only if you put another film on, but a good film." I rolled my eyes.

"How can I put a film on if you're on top of me and licking my face?" She pouted.

"You figure it out!" She stuck her tongue out so I rolled my eyes again. "You need to stop rolling your eyes. If you keep doing it then they'll get stuck in the back of your skull." I raised an eyebrow.

"My God you can tell you're a mother. And you can't say anything, you're constantly rolling your eyes and pulling stupid faces." She pouted. "See, if you keep pouting you'll end up stuck with fish lips for the rest of your life."

"I swear you are so mean to me." 

"I'm definitely not. I think if I was mean I never would have spoken to you again after the first night I met you." She started to smile. "Now are you gonna move since you wanted me to put a film on and I can't get up to do it because of you."

"I don't know anymore. I'm kinda comfortable. You're really comfy to sit on. I hope you realise." I sighed and looked at her goofy grin. "Plus I'm pretty sure you like it too."

I rolled my eyes, thank you boner for deciding that this would be the most appropriate time in the world to appear... And now thank you brain, for deciding to get the most inappropriate of all of songs stuck in my head; Sexy Drug.

For once in my life, this time it wasn't down to over-sexual thoughts or a massive want to have sex with the other person, because for once in my life I was in a relationship that was so good in all other aspects that I wasn't bothered if we had sex or not - there were plenty of other things that Jade and I could do without having to have sex all the time.

My thoughts were interrupted by Jade's lips on my own. Before I knew it, we were full on making out. It was definitely far better than on the bus when you constantly had to listen out for the guys, or even worse for Jake.. That would be a fun one to explain if he walked in on anything.

We continued to make out and before you know it... well... I'm sure you guys can figure out what happened.

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