Chapter 1- The Change

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I stared into the mirror, looking at myself but all I saw was him. His words rang clear as day in my ears. Telling me, that my life was worth nothing. That I was just something that the world would just chew out alive, and that he would be happy when it did. I touched my face as a tear rolled down my cheek. The guy, who has bullied me my whole life, finally hit me. Not a physical one but emotionally. Never has he hurt me like he did when he said that. But how was he to know! That what he said where the exact words that only one other has ever said, the person that mattered most to me in the world, apart from my family.

Well this bully is going to get it. And going to get it bad. But not till I come back. I look down at my clock and see that he will get it back in less than a week. Revenge is not how I would put it, or payback for that matter, I am not cruel like him. Being gone for 6 months as an exchange student really does change a person. The braces were gone, as was the fat. No one in my school would know who I was. The fact that I only had 2 friends in school was just a plus. They knew of what I looked like. While here in London, I had gotten facebook. As I had made so many friends, I had lots of photos of my nights out. Let's just say that if my dad found he would freak. My mom is cool about it.

I looked at the time, and saw that it was 4pm, so I headed to the store for my new fake-ID. I already had one to say I was 18, but the US is ridiculous, 21! Well I was prepared, and I was going to have the time of my life. The kids in back there better watch out little Violet is not so little anymore.

'Violet, hey wait up!'

'Hey Macey where you going?'

'With you to the shop! I mean you are leaving in 3 days, and we want to spend them with you.'

'Uh, we?'

'Yeah silly, you don't honestly expect all of your friends just let you leave so easy?'

'Ahahha no. Well come on then!' Macey was my first friend here. She was the one who picked me up from the airport. At first glance I thought that she would not like me, and just leave. I was wrong, we became instant friends, and she reminds me of Dannie, back home. We hung out a lot and she helped me lose all my weight. It was not a lot, but still the kids in my old school made fun of me, I lost the weight fast, the braces were only in for a month before, and then I got them off. School in the UK started in September so I had a whole month with no school. When school started, all I could say was that it was fun. I made loads of friends, had a lot of fun and they introduced me to partying but still doing well in school. I never thought I could do both.

Dannie and Johnny were the only 2 that knew how I looked because they were the only 2 from school that have me on facebook, and that I talked to. Macey was snapping her fingers in front of my face.

'Yeah Mace what is it?'

'Finally you’re out of the clouds. Now get out of the cab'

'Oh, oops sorry about that, you know I could have driven us here instead of you paying like 20 pounds to get here.'

'Yeah yeah but you don't have a motorbike here'

'I have got a licence for a car as well you know'

'Oh yeah. But still you can't drive your only 16 and three quarters.'

'Uh stupid law! Anyway you all will be coming for my 17th right?'

'Are you kidding of course, we all wanted to meet Johnny and Dannie, and talk to Zane the prick?' I laughed at that one. They all knew what Zane had said to me. They know the full story, how he had said those words to me just like she had said that before she left.  We went through one shop and then opened the hidden door behind changing room number 3.

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