"How long were you sitting here for ?" asked Richard.
"For about 5 minutes" I told them. They both exchanged looks
"That was fast" said Joy. There was silence.
"Where is Carling" I asked breaking the silence. Richard shrugged.
"Probably in one of the rooms" he assumed. She walked out of room 4 crying softly, Joy walked up to her and gave her a one armed hug.
"I was In a room full of spiders.....and I....I couldn't get out" she said exaughsted.
"Then how did you finish?" I asked.
"They had to stop the simulation because I would DIE if I was stuck in there!" She shouted with anger in her eyes.
"Well now that it's over we should start planning" said Richard.
"And how do you plan to do that?" Asked Joy crossing her arms.
"Well, we can't exactly make a plan because all the rooms are different but we try controlling our panic attacks" I suggested.
"We could also make up a strategy on how to look for clues " said Richard.
There was an awkward pause and Carling broke it.
"Well then let's get moving" she said half shouting. She walked into the planning room and we followed her.
"So where do we begin?" Asked Joy with a grin on her face.
RandomLyndsey has to risk her life to take part in the Escape game. It will predict if she goes from fraction 3 to the luxurious fractions above 5.