We all met up in the common room at 3:30pm the same day.
"Are the simulations getting better?" Asked Richard and we all said yes.
"We should head to Henry's room" said Joy.
"Let's go now" carling said heading to the door. We all followed her.
We found hallway 57 which was right around the corner of the common room. We walked passed all 467 shinny black doors until we reached number 468. Richard knocked on the door. Henry answered it with a warm smile.
"Well look who we've got here" he said happily.
"Wait you know us?" Asked Carling
"Of course I do" said Henry "and I also know that you are one of the fastest people at simulations in all of the teams" he said pointing at me. I blushed and ducked my head while all eyes fell on me.
"Please come in" Henry said opening the door wider.
"So we were wondering if you could tell us how we are doing out of all the teams" Asked Joy.
"Your doing great, your second" said Henry with a smile.
"Well that's good to hear" said Carling with running her fingers through her brown wavy hair.
"And why do you have to keep yourself so hidden, I mean it took us a lot of effort to find you." Stated Richard.
"If people found me they would bombard me with a zillion questions" Henry said worried," that's why I only let certain people."
"What's with the hall number being in the room number, that was easy" Carling said making a face.
Henry grinned. "Some people can't even answer that" he said "and I have no interest with talking with dunces."
I smiled. "True" I said.
"Anyway we should get moving and thanks for letting us know where we stand" said Richard heading to the door.
"Any time" Henry said opening the door. We all said our goodbyes and left, I was so tired.
"That was good" Joy said cheerfully and we all agreed to that.
"Can I speek to you privitly?" Asked Richard looking at me.
"Sure" I said getting nervous. We were out on the balcony of the common room.
"Thanks for the plan" said Richard.
"No problem" I said smiling. We stared at each other for minutes and each minute we came close. Our lips touched and the kiss depend, happiness filled me. I pulled away and smiled. Then I went straight to my room. What a day it has been.Hey guy I know this is bad but please comment to let me know!!!!!

RandomLyndsey has to risk her life to take part in the Escape game. It will predict if she goes from fraction 3 to the luxurious fractions above 5.