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Hi everyone.

Thank you for choosing my story to read. I am so excited that you did.

Please understand that this story is mine. A figment of MY imagination. No part of this story may be reproduced in any form whether by any electronic or mechanical means whithout my written concent.

This story is fiction. Any names characters, places and events are the product of MY imagination. Any resemblance to any person, alive or dead, is coincidental.

Please enjoy the story:-)


"Please help me!" Leomaris cried out in terror.

"Help me. Can somebody hear me?" Leomaris shouted again.

He has been struggling for the last ten minutes to break free from a fishing net. He is trying not to shake in fear knowing what will happen when he is caught by humans.

He is forced to look into an ancient turtle's eyes that is pushed up against the net close to his face. He can feel an occasional brush of the turtle's small feet against his cheek.

He wishes he had the emotional strength and understanding of the turtle. The ancient wisdom and ability to stay grounded and peace full even in moments of disturbances and chaos.

He has been scouting the area around his kingdom, Pa Hunahuna. There has been sightings of Mea Pouri around the kingdom. Mea Pourians are known to be cruel and savage merfolk. Their king, King Kino is out to slay any merfolk that gets in his way of conquering kingdoms.

Scouts have been deployed around the kingdom to keep watch. King Leomaris did spot-checks around the kingdom twice a day personally.

He got away from a meeting with his army commander a bit late this afternoon. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts about a sighting of King Kino, that he never saw the fishing trawler up ahead. The net was already being hauled up when he realized he was trapped.

"Is somebody out there? Please help me, I'm trapped!" he shouted once more.

"Hahahahaha, is that you Leomaris? Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes." The evil mocking laughter of King Kino tore through Leomaris.

"Kino please help me, I'm trapped." Leomaris cried out.

"I think I like you just where you are Leomaris." He stared up at Leomaris with a challenging look in his eyes.

"For goodness sake Kino, get me out of here. You know what will happen if the humans capture me." Leomaris pleaded with King Kino.

"What do I get in return Leomaris? What will my payment be for rescuing you?" He asked with a rumble in his voice.
"Kino this is not funny. Get me out of here before it's too late." Leomaris sneered in disgust.

"Where's your Scepter? I want your Scepter as payment." Kino said with a growl.

"You know my Scepter won't do you any good Kino. It can only work with my magic. I am the only one that can use it. It is worthless to you." Leomaris pleaded desperately as he knew time were running out for him.

"I know it's of no value to me, but I do know that it's of great value to you. I will accept it as payment from you for now. After I have saved you and you are all warm and fuzzy at home, I will come and claim my payment and return your scepter." Kino said scowling at him.

"What are you talking about Kino? Please stop fooling around and get me out of here." Leomaris demanded.

"You are not in a position to order me around Leomaris. Either you give me your scepter or I leave you for the humans." Kino said in a scathing tone as he turned around to swim away.

"I will give you my scepter. Just please help me before it is too late." Leomaris begged openly.

"I will cut a hole in the net, where you can slide the scepter through before I free you." Kino demanded.

"I trust you Kino." Leomaris said defeated.

Kino cut a hole near the Scepter where it was pushed up against the net. Leomaris can hardly move as he was trapped with sealife fish, crabs, turtles, dolphins and juvenile fish that pushed him against the net.

"Push your scepter so that I can pull it out." Kino demanded again. Leomaris pushed and wiggled the scepter until Kino could pull it free.

Kino retreated from the net and stared at Leomaris. Leomaris looked at Kino with anguish in his eyes. A shadow of concern flickered over his face. Neither of them saying a word. Kino pulled out his sword and slit a gash into the net after what seemed like ages.

"Thank you Kino." Leomaris said in an emotionless tone.

"I will come for my payment Leomaris." Kino shouted as he swam away.


What do you think the payment is that King Kino wants?
Why is King Kino so full of hate?

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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it:-)

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