Precious Tears

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After Cordula spent her time with Marilla, she was allowed a weekly swim out at sea. There she could swim around freely and exercise her tail. Being locked in the dungeon didn't give her a lot of exercise. Although she went up to the surface at night, it wasn't enough. Her tail would feel terribly stiff. It took her about ten minutes of swimming before she felt better.

She loved it when the dolphins came near her when she was playing around. They were such playful mammals. She would ignore them at first and just play around in the waves. One of them came up to her and gently poked her in the side with it's nose. She gave a giggle and started speed swimming and they would chase her. She would follow and copy their every move as they jumped out of the water and do acrobatic spins in the air. Sometimes she would grab onto one of their fins and the dolphin would drag her deep down into the sea and came out again spinning and twirling into the air.

They would play like this until she was out of breath and was to tired and couldn't play anymore. It would have been nice if there weren't any guards around. But this was her destiny, she couldn't change that.

While playing around in the water she remembered her wedding day.


It was a small ceremony. It wasn't a special occasion for Cordula. She didn't even know anyone there. Not even the groom. She has been living in the kingdom for three days. She barely saw anyone until the ceremony. She just stayed in her room. When it was time, Kino's mother came to escort her in. She missed her mother terribly at that moment. This was supposed to be the happiest day of her life. She was suppose to share this day with her family and friends.

The kingdom's Priestess married them. Cordula was so nervous she wasn't concentrating on anything the Priestess said. She was looking at Kino. He was the most handsome merman she had ever seen. He looked strong and brave. She can understand why merfolk were afraid of him. Kino had a square face with a strong jaw-line. His brown fearless eyes had an intense glow. His eyes had a fire with passion that mesmerized her. She sometimes couldn't look away from them. His long black hair cascaded over his broad masculine shoulders. His chest were smooth and unscathed. His muscles were well looked after and his skin had a dark bronze tan. It looked soft and she imagined laying her head on his chest. She was physically attracted to Kino. When she looked up from his chest he was smiling at her with a glimmer of delight in his eyes. She could feel her face flushing with embarrassment. The moment it was time to exchange their coral rings, she only realized the ceremony was nearing its end.

Kino took her hand and lead her away from everyone. "You look beautiful today, Cordula." He said kissing her hand. "Come, I want to show you around the castle."

They have been swimming around the grounds with his arm around her lower back. "It's so beautiful out here." she said softly.

"Yes, I love this place." He said smiling at her. "Would you like to go out to sea for a swim?"

"I'd love to." She grinned up at him.

They dove into the water and were swimming alongside each other. Racing each other. Laughing and playing around. Kino pushed past Cordula, brushing his slippery skin against her. This caused her to slow down. His touch felt like electricity. A kind of electricity that excited her.

Kino grabbed her around the waist. Still weak from his touch, she struggled to escape his grasp. She gave up struggling and gave in to him. He pulled her closer to him. Kino stroked her hair, looking her in the eyes. For a long time, Cordula allowed him to hold her. Then she reached up and kissed him. She never kissed anyone under the water before. Not like this. His mouth felt hot. Kino's scent was powerful. Cordula could smell it beneath the waves.

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