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"Morgan look at this beautiful baby. She's as beautiful as an angel." Tanya said with joyful tears in her eyes. "Aren't she the most precious thing you have ever seen?" Tanya lifted Arohaina out of the water for Morgan to see.

"Yes, my love she is beautiful." Morgan said to his wife from the beach. "Come out from the water so that we can read the letter her mother has sent."

"Come sit hear next to me. I will hold the baby while you read the letter." Morgan said excitedly.


Dear Tanya

Thank you so much for agreeing to look after Arohaina for me. Please, please keep her safe.

My mother told me a lot about her beloved childhood friend that put a spell on herself to become a human, for love. That is why I contacted you. You are the only one that can help me. I am so glad you agreed to this. I will always be indebted to you.

As you already know, Arohaina is a twin. Her sister Marilla will be living with us in my husband's kingdom. It is with utmost urgency that she has no contact with her sister. EVER!!

Because they are twin mermaids they possess a powerful magic. Twin mermaids are only born once every thousand years.

Legend has it that their magic is very powerful. When their power as babies fall into the wrong hands there is no measure what the person can do that has the babies.

My evil husband, King Kino, wants to use their magic to conquer the four merworld kingdoms.

He tricked my father into trading me to protect our part of the kingdom and I was forced into a marriage with him.

I was already six months pregnant with the twins when I discovered that he was a threat to our world and especially my precious babies.

Thank you for agreeing to cast the spell on her to become human. Thank you to both you and Morgan for taking her in as your own child.

Like I said.... I will always be indebted to you.

All my love


Tanya lowered the letter and looked at Arohaina with sadness in her eyes. "I will give you all the love your mommy wanted to give you Arohaina. And I will keep you safe, I promise. Let me take you for a swim as a mermaid for the last time. Then I will cast the spell on you."

Tanya took Arohaina into the water. She was crying sadly as if she knew what was about to happen to her. Tanya stroked her hair and whispered lovingly to her, calming her. Arohaina lay her head on Tanya's shoulder while she twirled her round and round in the water. She sang and cuddled her for the longest time.

"Come on love it's time to go. It's getting late." Morgan shouted from the shore. He felt sad and happy at the same time.

Sad that Arohaina was taken from her mother and sister to protect them. Happy because Tanya will have the opportunity to raise and love a baby.

Tanya could never have babies. This saddened her very much. When Cordula approached her the first time to look after Arohaina she was ecstatic and agreed to it immediately.

They just had to wait until the birth of the babies because they didn't know what the sex of the babies would be. If it was two boys or a boy and a girl there would be no danger.

When the letter arrived to inform them that it was two girls, Tanya was overwhelmed with joy.

Tanya swam one more circle with Arohaina before she swam out to the beach. Morgan walked knee deep into the sea to take Arohaina from Tanya. As he walked out of the water he could hear Tanya chanting the spell to turn herself into a human again.

As she took Arohaina from Morgan she started chanting the spell once more to turn Arohaina into a human.

"There we go little girl. Now you're a pretty little human girl." Tanya said with tears running down her cheeks.


What special magic could the twin mermaids possess? Please do tell me what you think.

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