Saving Sophia

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"Where would they keep her though.. She could be anywhere by now" Liam says. Noah has this look on his face like he had an idea, "What is it.." Mason asked. "Well.. What if she's in the hospital that we were in... That building was huge we couldn't have seen all of it.." Noah explains. "Well if she was wouldn't Mia has been able to sense it or something" Mason asks Liam. "Wait... She did sense it... Right before she died she whispered something to me. She told me that Sophia never got out.. I didn't understand it then but I do now" Liam said. They all looked in the direction they came from, "So I guess we're going back..." Noah said.

Liam stopped and looked down, "DUCK" he said and they all ducked just in time. 3 arrows had came at all of them. They looked up and saw an army of people in front of the abandoned hospital, some of them had guns and some had crossbows. "Look this is crazy, maybe Mia was wrong" Mason said. The next thing they heard was an extremely loud scream from inside the building. "She wasn't wrong... " Liam said with this look of rage on his face. Mason ran toward the army and just started cutting through the people with his claws. Liam ran after Liam and threw one of the guys up and let him land on the ground hard. Liam got shot with a gun but he just got back up and slashed the guys throat. He stopped when he saw Mia's body on the ground. This was where they had killed her, he thought. Liam got shot with an arrow interrupting his thoughts and he just looked up and glew his eyes. Liam growled but this time it wasn't just any growl, it was so loud it made Mason stop and his eyes glew a bright red. Liam ripped the arrow out of his shoulder and slashed his claws through the guys body. The guys continued to fight until Liam was held at gunpoint by one of the guys. "You kill me I shoot him" he explained to Mason. They stopped not knowing what to do, and out of no where Noah came up and cut the guys hand off. "I took one of your little buddies knives" he told the guy and stabbed him in the chest. Mason and Liam just looked at him a little shocked, "You guys aren't the only ones who can fight you know.." he said. They both smiled and went ran to the building. "Did we actually just do that.." Mason asked looking back at all the bodies. They turned around when they heard someone walking.

"Surprised to see me?" Julia said. Liam ran towards her but she pulled out a knife and jabbed it into Liam side. He fell to the ground. Mason jumped on her and she pulled out a electric baton weapon they had used on Liam and hit mason with it. Mason fell to the ground. "Sucks to have all that power taken away from you by me doesn't it?" she said taunting the two. Noah grabbed his knife and jabbed it into Julias stomach. Liam stood up, "I've wanted to do this for a while now" he said as he slashed his claws through her throat. She fell to the ground and Liam helped Mason up. They all rushed inside and checked Mia's room. They split up and checked all the rooms and Mason found her in her old room. "GUYS SHES IN HERE" he yelled. Sophia opened her eyes and was glad to see if was them. "Liam.. Thank god.." she said grateful to see him. "Where's Mia?" she asked. They all looked at each other and Mason explained, "Sophia.. They killed Mia..". Sophia just stopped, her first actual friend was dead. "Well now what..?" Liam asked. "Well I'm sure those weren't the only hunters in the world so I guess we just stay together.. protect each other" Mason said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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