CHAPTER 4 - That Damn Contract

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That Damn Contract

Khalid: I will only forgive you if you will agree to my idea.

Jin: What idea?

Khalid: A contract! *hiccups* you just have to agree and then your forgiven!

Jin: What about that damn contract?

            I have a bad feeling about this.

Khalid: Don’t worry it’s for the both of *hiccups* us and it’s a big help for me to recover easily.

Jin: Let me hear about it.

Khalid: Well the contract is… *hiccups* you just have to take responsibility for your sin!

Jin: Sin?

Khalid: Yes. You have to take care of *hiccups* me until my injury will be fully recovered. And then when I’m recovered, you can just pretend that were just strangers.

Jin: You really think I would agree with such contract? That’s stupid.

Khalid: Hump… If it’s that hard for you then just forget about it and pretend you didn’t do anything to me and pretend none of this happened.

Jin: If you say so, it’d be easier than taking care to someone like you!

Khalid: Here *return Jin’s lunch box*. You can go now; I know you haven’t eaten your lunch *hiccups*

            I can’t stand his attitude. Is he blackmailing me? I left him and head to the canteen then ordered much food.

 Jin: Who does he think he is? I even give him my lunch! *eat, drink, eat, and drink*

_ _ _


            She already left. I thought she wants me to forgive her? What a pride she got there… Jeez.

Khalid: On second thought, why would she come here if she only thinks about her pride? Was she really concerned about me?

Ms. Jin: Where’s that girl from earlier?

Khalid: She already left.

Ms. Jin: Anyway. Khalid, I’ve been watching you since you got here in this school. I know you have problems with your studies and football and extracurricular are your only choice to gain some points and you should attend classes especially now that you’re graduating. And now that you’re in this situation, I can tell you have to repeat fourth year again.

Khalid: I thought your watching me since. I guess you’re wrong about me miss, I don’t have any problems with my studies at all. I just have a problem with my attendance.

Ms. Lim: What do you mean?

Khalid: It’s nothing. *smirk*

Ms. Lim: So what about football?

Khalid: I have to attend classes while I’m recovering and stop practicing football for awhile.

Ms. Lim: If you say so… Anyway, I think you should take a rest for now.

Khalid: I’ll call my brother to get me here.

          I waited inside and my brother entered the clinic looking exhausted. I know he’s panicking after he received my call and rushed his self through here. He helped me and both of us went home.

 Key: How many times did I tell you not to sleep everywhere? This is your prize for not listening.

Khalid: It’s not my fault why I’m like this.

Key: Excuses Khalid. Just forget about it. Hear eat this. I have to go back to school.

Khalid: Hey Key, thanks for coming.

Key: Just… Nah~ I’m going.

_ _ _


            After eating my lunch I immediately proceed to my room and our next subject started. Nothing really happened this afternoon except for my seatmate. He’s so noisy and he’s trying to catch my attention but I feel sorry for him, he doesn’t worth my time and my attention.

I was about to leave the door when that seatmate call my name.

Zadkelle: Jin, I noticed you’re very silent. You didn’t even glance once at me.

Jin: So what’s your point?

Zadkelle: You’re talking? I mean… Wow! You’re talking! *smiling*

Jin: *glare*

            Of course I am talking! I’m a human! This little…

Zadkelle: I just… want to be friends with you.

Jin: *looking blank at Zadkelle*

Zadkelle: Don’t you want to have another friend?

Jin: No. *leaves the room*

_ _ _


            I was waiting for Jin outside our room and I overheard their conversation.

Zadkelle: Don’t you want to have another friend?

Jin: No.

            I saw Jin leaving the room and I followed her. We always walk together at the hallway until we reached the school gate.

Jin: M-Mere?

            I was shocked when Jin talked and she even utters my name. I know that whenever Jin says my name, it means she needs help or just someone whom she can talk to.

Jin: Mere, honestly am I a bad person?

Mere: No. Jin, you’re a good person, is there a problem?

Jin: If we are not friends, would you feel the same way like how other people feel and how they see me?

Mere: Jin, they just have to know you more so they can understand who you really are.

Jin: *sigh*

Mere: I know you have a problem.

Jin: I met a guy and he seemed to know me well. But I don’t know who he is.

Mere: Jin that might be a stalker. Don’t talk to him anymore and when you saw each other again, hide!

Jin: I don’t know…

_ _ _


            That conversation with Mere doesn’t help about the “problem” thing but she cheered me up with her stupid jokes. We split up and give goodbyes to each other.

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