CHAPTER 8 - Inexplicable Kojii

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Inexplicable Kojii


            I checked the time and it is still 8:40 P.M. I fall asleep while reading a book.

            I open my AirG account and update my status.

Ely, I’m thankful you came to my life. And I hate you for leaving me.

But I still miss you… Ely.

Kombanwa minna~ keep praying okay? :]

Jin: Why am I hurting like this?

            Status updated. After awhile I notice that there is a mail. I open it and saw it’s from Kojii.

Kojii left a profile comment: “Who’s Ely? He must be an important person. :)”

            I mail him back…

Ely is my childhood friend well, he is not just my friend, and he’s my best friend and hero. But he left me.

            He didn’t replied and I check his profile and he is still online; he updated his status too.

“Don’t look backwards for very long. Keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things.”  – Walt Disney

I hope this little quote will help you move on with your life.

Jin: Who really are you Kojii?

            Is it a possibility that he post all those status to aim me? If he does I was really affected.

            Now I become curious all of a sudden with this inexplicable Kojii. Who are you? Damn it!

            I look into his photos but all I can see is…

Jin: I think I already saw this guy. He’s so familiar. Wait… Don’t tell me… *stare at her cell phone* KEY!?

            Key!? The “tree guy’s” brother; KEY!? I immediately mail him.


Kojii, is that the real you in your photos?


Ah… Why? Am I that attractive for you to ask all of a sudden?

            Damn he is pissing me. Why can’t he just answer?


Kidding. Consider me like a poser.


Really? So… that’s not you then huh?


Why Rein-chan? You seemed disappointed knowing that what you saw in my photos isn’t the real me. Jeez, I’m better-looking than that person you know. Hahaha!


So why didn’t you just use your own photos than using other’s photo. You know… other person expects that you’re really that person in your photos.


Talk for yourself Rein-chan. We are just the same. You’re not the one in your photos right?

            Crap. I shouldn’t judge him if I’m also the same! Phew~ I thought he really is Key!


I have my own reason why I didn’t use my own photos. How about you?


Same here. Tell me first what is the reason behind being a poser Kojii-kun?


Curious eh? Well, you wouldn’t believe about this but I’m spying someone here. You might want to help me Rein-chan?


Ah… No, I think you can handle it by yourself. I might be a burden for your plans.


If you say so. Let me know your excuses.


It’s not excuses Kojii-kun! It’s more like reasons you know. It’s just that I’m…

            Why am I telling him my private life anyway? Am I being carried away?


It’s just that I’m bored. He… he… he…


You’re really fond of making lies don’t you? I have to go. Bye.


            Pssh… This guy really. Now it’s really getting boring. He suddenly leaves me behind like nothing happened! He even go offline and left a new status again.

“Nobody in this world is numb. Everyone can feel pain.

It’s just that some are really good when it comes to PRETENDING.”

Lies and Excuses… when will you get over with it? Good Night.

            Kojii, your status really fits with my situation now.

What a day! Sleep well :)

This is Rein logging out!

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