Chapter 6.

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Chapter 6

***Dont Stop Believing ~Journey***

I wake up with only Octavia by my side. I simply smile down at her sleeping figure. I then lean over and push her out of her chair. She screamed. I laughed, probably harder than I should  but I don't care. She looks up to me and goes, "Just because its your birthday doesn't mean you get to be a total bitch and not expect anything back." She slowly gets up and stretches her back.

"Yes it kind of does. How long have I been out for?" I ask her as I slide up so I'm leaning against the wall of the drop ship. It hurts to move. My leg is throbbing. It has its own pulse every now and then and I need a distraction.

Octavia goes, "Since last night. You past out and now are just waking up. You didn't miss much. Murphy is going to cook that thing you brought home this morning. How does it feel to be 18? God they grow up so fast!" She pretends to wipe a tear.

I smile at her sarcasm and say, "It feels exactly as being 17. Well at the moment it is more painful." I nod towards my leg. "Can you please not tell anyone it is my birthday? You know I hate birthdays." She rolls her eyes and nods her head.

A few moments later Wells walks in with a smile on his face. "Wow the birthday girl is awake!" I roll my eyes and groan. He just laughs.

Then Clarke comes down from where Jasper is. "Lauren its your birthday! You feel old?"

I put my head into my hands and groan loudly. "Since every body is here why don't you just announce it to the world? Why not throw a huge party? You guys know I hate my birthday. Now Clarke how is Jasper?"

Clarke sighs, "He is stable for now but I'm not sure thats going to last. He has an infection and I need to find something that will help him." All of a sudden we hear Jasper groaning very loudly. Some of the campers yell at him to shut up.

Everybody runs up stairs besides me. I say, "Don't worry guys I will just sit here."

I can hear Clarke yelling at everyone to hold Jasper down. Something along cutting dead flesh was thrown around. I pull at my hair. Why is this happening to Jasper. Bellamy comes running into the drop ship. His eyes meet mine for a moment when he climbs the ladder. Now there is more screaming and arguing between every one and Bellamy comes down first. He completely ignores me and walks out of the ship. He looked beyond pissed. It made me a little happy to see him like that. Next is Monty, I call him over and ask what is going on.

Monty goes, "Bellamy and Finn think Jasper is going to die. Apparently Clarke needs some type of seaweed and is going out with Wells and Finn to go get it."

My eyebrows shot up just as he finished that sentence.  "That should be fun." I say as they all come down not talking to each other.

Monty looks at me and says, "Octavia is staying with Jasper, and Bellamy is going hunting with some people. Leaving me to do absolutely nothing but try to figure out how to make the wristbands connect back to the Ark. Happy birthday by the way."

I roll my eyes. "Thanks. I can try to help you with the wristbands. I actually paid attention in those classes. Now when it came to Earth's history I fell asleep in almost all of them. Im not an expert with electronics but I'm  not too shabby." I say to Monty. He smiles and agree to my offer.

A couple hours of later and there is still no luck. Ive manage to shock myself fourteen times though. I groan and put the exposed wire from the drop ship down but I get shocked again. "Ouch you stupid piece of crap! I didn't shock you now did I?"

Monty laughs at me. "Lauren. How? How did you manage to shock yourself again?"

I throw my hands up, "I don't know Monty. I really don't. But when you figure out how, let me know so I can stop." He laughs. Its good to see Monty laugh. It really is. "Well I need a break." I say as I attempt to get up.

"Woah, woah, woah. Where do you think you are going? You heard Clarke's rules. You need to stay in bed." Monty says getting up and walking towards me.

"Monty. If I stay here any longer I will die. If not from boredom then I will electrocute myself. Its my birthday also. I want to go outside. Plus when have I ever followed rules?" I say to Monty. He goes to say something but just shuts his mouth. He knows that if I want something I will have it. I then put some pressure on my leg. I hiss in pain. "Son of a bitch." I whisper loudly. I look over to see Monty laughing at me. I roll my eyes.

I put more pressure on my leg and take a step. It hurts really bad but will be worth it. After about ten minutes of hobbling in pain I finally get outside. I go to the side of the drop ship and lower myself onto the ground. I lay on my back and look up into the sky. The sun shines through the leaves on the trees making some shade around me. I take in my surroundings. The tree seem to be so much taller when you are laying on the ground. The leaves on the trees are all different shapes and colors. They are falling with the wind every now and then. The ground is soft, nothing like the metal on the Ark. I shut my eyes and take deep breaths.

It was calming. Relaxing. I wonder how Patrick is. I hope he is okay. Abby better be taking good care of them. I was starting to doze off when I heard a scream. I quickly sit up and see that everybody is panicking. Someone yelled, "Quick everybody into the drop ship." I try to stand up but I put too much pressure on my leg. I stumble and fall to the ground.. Kids are running around me and into the drop ship. I look up to see a thick yellow fog all around. I try to get up again but I can't. I feel someone grab my arms and pull me up. They drag me into the drop ship. I look up to see Monty walking me to the ladder.

"Can you climb?" He asks me.

I shake my head. "I don't know but I can try." I go over and grab onto one of the bars above my head and pull my leg onto the bottom step. "Holy shit this is tiring." I cant do this. Im pulling my entire weight up. Its not that I am fat. I'm around 135 pounds but still. I grab the next rung and jump as high as I can while pulling my weight up. It takes me about three minutes but I eventually  get high enough for Monty and Octavia to pull me up.

"What's going on?" Octavia asks me.

"I have no clue. Hold on." I say back to her. I roll onto my stomach and lean over the top of the hatch. I see Murphy walk by and I yell, "Yo jack ass." He looks up. This makes me smile a little. At Least he knows he is an ass. "What the hell is going on?"

Murphy yells, "I don't know. The fog just came and the kids who came in contact with it started yelling. Their skin started to burn and boil. So we all came in here." He walks away.

I look back at my friends and say, "Acid fog." They nod. "Clarke! Wells! They are still out there!"

Octavia's face paled and she whispers, "Bellamy." I look at my friend.

"They will be fine. All of them." Monty says to us.

About three hours have past and every body is in the drop ship. Jasper's cries have gotten worse and people are starting to complain . Monty went down the ladder to get us some blankets for the night. Then we hear him yell as he comes up the ladder. "Murphy is going to kill Jasper! Murphy is going to kill Jasper!" I look at Octavia

with panicked eyes.

Murphy tries to come up and Monty tries to shut the hatch. I then take my good foot and kick Murphy in the head forcing him back down. Monty shut the hatch and sits on it. He says, "The lock's on the other side!"

"Don''t let him in!"Octavia yells.

Then we hear Murphy yell, "I'm going to kill him. Let me in! Let me in, now!"

I pull myself up and help Octavia look for something we can jam underneath the hatch. Monty then goes, "Guys take your time. I'm fine here. No rush."

I roll my eyes and Octavia pulls a pipe off the wall. She yells, "Here." Then throws it in the air to me. I quickly catch it and shove Monty out of the way. I then slide the pole underneath the handle so Murphy cant get up here. We all look at each other and try to catch our breaths. I was the first one to talk next, "Well that was fun. We should do it again sometime." They both laugh. This was one hell of a birthday.

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