Chapter 8.

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Chapter 8

*** I don't like it, I love it ~Flo Rida***

We all eventually part ways so we can all go sleep. I offer to stay with Jasper and Monty stays as well. He needed to work on the wristbands. When Clarke took hers off it was still functional. I helped as much as I could but eventually gave up.

A few hours have past and  I hear, "Lauren why don't you go to sleep. I can look after Jasper as I do this." Monty says to me as he points to the wristband.

I shake my head, "No I'm fine. I don't need to sleep."

Monty raises his eyebrow. "Really because last night you slept for maybe four hours. The only other time you slept was when you were unconscious because of your cut. You need sleep."

I roll my eyes. "Thanks Mon Mon but I'm fine. I promise."

He goes to argue back but I glare at him. He shuts his mouth. I'm bored. Its only been five minutes. I look around and try to think of what to do. I notice scraps of metal, wire, and wood laying around and I go up to it. "Hey Monty do you need any of this?"

He shakes his head. "No. Why?"

I smile to myself, "No reason. I want to make something and I'm going to use this." He nods his head and goes back to work. An hour and a half later and I have made five knives. All are exactly the same, shape, size, and are about the same weight. Its a piece of metal placed on top of a piece of wood with wire wrapped around it. I hold out each of the knives in front of me and place them on the ground. I then tuck one in each boot, put one in the inside of my jacket, and place to other two on my belt. I smile at myself and lean back against the wall. I sit for about ten minutes before I get bored again.

I take an empty cup and lay down on the floor. I look outside and see that the sun is almost rising. I take my cup and throw it above my head and catch it. I do this for about fifteen minutes before it  drops onto my face. "Ouch!" I mumble to myself. I hear chuckling and look over at Monty. He is dead asleep. I then look at Jasper who is sitting up in his bed.

"I was waiting for you to do that for a long time!" He says.

I get up and rush over to him and hug him, "J-Dog you look so much better!" He laughs.

Next thing Octavia is coming through the hatch. "Jasper you're awake! How do you feel?"

"Actually really good. That seaweed stuff is magic." He stands up.

I grab my cup and climb down the ladder. I walk past sleeping teenagers and try not to wake them. I go outside and notice that about five kids are up. Everybody is either sleeping in a tent if you're lucky or in the drop ship. I then go to my spot on the side of the drop ship and lay down. I start throwing the cup again. I was going for a long streak when the cup gets snatched mid-air. "I was on a roll!" I look to my right and see a pair of boots. I follow all the way up to the face. It belongs to Bellamy. "Can I help you?" I ask.

He goes, "Where's Octavia?"

"She is up with Jasper." I point to the drop ship.

He drops the cup onto the ground and walks away. "You're welcome. Ass hole." I say.

"I heard that." I hear him call back to me.

"Good." I say with a small smirk.

I get up and walk around. I see a bunch of kids building the wall now. I head over to Clarke's tent. I don't  bother knocking and just go right in. She is sleeping. Should I be nice and let my friend sleep? Nope. I walk over to her makeshift of a bed which is a blanket on a table thing and jump on top of her. She screams and shoots up panicked. I double over laughing! "You should have seen your face! It was priceless!"

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