Chapter 11.

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Chapter 11

***Wonderwall ~Oasis***

As soon as I get there guilt drips over me. I should've done something to save her. I should have tried harder. I walk around my spring thinking about Charlotte. I scream into my sleeve of my jacket and fall to my knees. She was only twelve. Just a kid. Why did she have to do that? Why did she have to kill Wells? Why did she have to jump? Why couldn't I just save them both. I get up and walk around. I then draw my fist back and punch a tree as hard as I can. I felt a cracking like thing as a fiery hot surge of pain shoots from my knuckles to my wrist and up my arm.

"Bitch!" I yell as I shake out my hand.

I then sit down by the spring and pull my knees back to my chest. I rest my head on my knees and take in the silence. Its too quiet here. I miss Charlotte. I don't know how long I was sitting there but a snapping of a twig caught my attention. I don't even bother to turn around. I don't care if it's a Grounder, let them kill me. "You shouldn't be outside the wall. Being alone is worse." The person says.

I don't move or talk. I just continue to watch the stars reflection in the water.

The person just comes and sits next to me. I don't look at him. "Go away Bellamy. I just want to be alone." I say to him. Hopefully he catches the annoyance in my voice and leaves.

It doesn't happen though. "Its not your fault Lauren. You couldn't have known that Charlotte was going to jump. Nobody could have. Stop blaming yourself its not going to do any good but eat you alive." I just continue to look at the water. He doesn't mean this. He is just saying that. Maybe he has a point though. I couldn't have known Charlotte was going to do that. Bellamy looks at me and says, "What happened to your hand?"

Without looking away from the water I point to the tree that has bark missing and a small indent. "I punched the tree." I shrug my shoulders and put my hand back on my knees.

I hear Bellamy sigh and he reaches over to me. He grabs my wrist and pulls my hand over to him. I take my eyes away from the water and look down at the ground in front of me. Bellamy takes his fingers and touches my already bruised knuckles. I hiss in pain and look at him. "Everybody has different ways with dealing with stuff like this. Your choice isn't the best though. I think you broke these three knuckles. You should have Clarke check them."

I roll my eyes and take my hand away from his. I get up and say, "I don't need anything from anyone." I walk back to camp with Bellamy in tow. I don't talk to him the entire way there. When we get there he immediately goes to his tent. Not even thirty seconds later a girl goes into his tent. I roll my eyes. "Everybody has different ways with dealing with stuff like this." I mumble to myself. I walk around a bit looking for Clarke. She is no where to be found so I grab some bandages and wrap my hand. Its not the best job but it will do.

I go and sit by the drop ship. I lay on my back looking into the stars I hear someone approach me but don't turn to see who it is. They sit down next to me and lay down. I turn my head to see Octavia sitting next to me. "Hey O." I say.

We both sit up and smile. Its the first time I smiled all night. "Lets play a game. I think we both need a distraction." She says to me. I nod my head. "Okay. I will ask a question, you answer than I will answer then you ask the next question." I nod my head again. "Okay.. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you."

I chuckle and shake my head. I run a hand down my face, "Oh god. Okay. Well you see nobody knew that my dad abused me so I always had to come up with different excuse for my injuries. Well this one time my dad held my hands on the burners and pushed me so I hit my head and it was bleeding. I went to Abby Griffin and she asks how this happened." I starts laughing, "I told her I had a theory that the left hand burned faster then the right hand so I wanted to test my theory." We both started laughing, "Wait it gets better, then she asked about my forehead and I told her that I had another theory that if I ran into the door hard enough I could grow a horn and be a unicorn." We both start laughing really hard. "Okay, your turn."

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