Chapter Fourteen

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"Unnie, thank you for taking me to get ice cream." Eunji smiled up at Chaerin.

Chaerin smiled back down at the little girl. She guessed that Eunji didn't get taken out much by any of the other volunteers at the Children's Center and she wondered if the little girl went on any of the field trips with the other children. She remember when she was a teenager, taking a group of kids out for little trips around the city.

"You're welcome, Eunji. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

It was true that Eunji had enjoyed her trip to the ice cream shop. She had been so happy picking out what flavor she wanted.

When she had finished her strawberry ice cream, Chaerin had cleaned her up and suggested that they talk a walk before returning back to the Children's Center. Eunji had agreed, wanting to spend as much time out with Chaerin as she could.

The two were now headed back to the center after the little walk and Chaerin made a promise to Eunji that she would come back tomorrow.

"Can we go somewhere else tomorrow?" Eunji asked.

"Hm? I'll have to ask Mrs. Jill. I think she will say yes though." Chaerin said.

Eunji nodded. Her eyes then lit up as a white cat darted pass her and into the alleyway up a head.

"Unnie! Look!" She yelled and ran after the cat.

"Eunji!" Chaerin called, chasing after her.

She knew that Eunji didn't mean to run after the cat, but when she saw the animal, she had naturally wanted to fall it.

Chaerin came to a stop when she reached the entrance of the alleyway. Her eyes scanned the area and she silently cursed when she didn't see Eunji.

"Eunji!" She called out. "Come out right now, okay! This is no time to play hide 'n' seek!" She stepped fully into the alleyway and walked towards the pile of boxes against the wall. She looked behind it and sighed, when she saw no sight of Eunji.

"I know she came into this alleyway. I saw her run right into it. So, where could she be?" She thought, looking around.

"Eunji!" She yelled again, walking further.

What happened next, Chaerin could say she never saw coming. Someone had followed her into the alley. This someone had been watching her all day and waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Her body suddenly connected with the wall to her left, her head making a sickening thud as it. The pain shot through her body and she cried out.

The person, who had shoved her, pressed her up against the wall with his body. He sighed. "I'm sorry for this, but if I don't do this he won't let Bom go." He murmured

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